8 Adorable Guilty Dog Videos

Puppy dogs that give away their guilt with their cute and funny expressions.
8 Adorable Guilty Dog Videos
Guilty Pug staring at the camera. (*Shutterstock)
James Chi

1. Puppy Bandit is being scolded hard. 


2. Cuppa ate a packet of Snack-a-Jacks.


3. The pup hides in the shower and looks more than guilty because she ruined the bed sheets.


4. Who’s the culprit?


5. Someone helped themselves to the Kitty-Cat treats! Let’s see who cracks under pressure?


6. Buffy smiles when she is greeting new guests or when she is guilty. 


7. Walk of Shame!


8. Jackson wants to forget what he did to his owner’s book. 

(*Guilty Pug staring at the camera Image via Shutterstock)