Global Q&A: ‘What’s your greatest wish for your country’s future?’

Globally, a wide variety of quality of life and morally uplifting behaviors are wished for all people, and, within countries, developments for alternative energy technologies.
Global Q&A: ‘What’s your greatest wish for your country’s future?’
Puerto Montt, Chile: Andrés Hernández, 21, Security Guard: My greatest wish that I have for the future of my country—more than prosperity, more than development, and more than any other sport—is for it to continue to be a peaceful and safe country wherever one chooses to live, carefree, away from terrorism that through the media, we see daily in other countries.

Globally, a wide variety of quality of life and morally uplifting behaviors are wished for all people, and, within countries, developments for alternative energy technologies. This is what Epoch Times reporters from areas such as Chile to Russia discovered when they asked locals, “What’s your greatest wish for your country’s future?”

Look for the Global Q&A column every week. Epoch Times correspondents interview people around the world to learn about their lives and perspectives on local and global realities. Next week’s global question, “Do you think the Fukushima nuclear accident is a cause for concern today?”