7 Headlines You Won’t Read Anywhere Else Today: May 29.

7 Headlines You Won’t Read Anywhere Else Today: May 29.
Hawaiian Palms. *Shutterstock

UK: Cynics three times more likely to suffer from dementia

People who see the world around them in a negative light appear to be at increased risk of cognitive decline in later life.

Cynical people who distrust others are three times more likely to develop dementia than those who have more faith in humanity, a study has shown for the first time.

Believing that others are motivated by selfishness, or lie to get what they want, appears to radically increase the risk of cognitive decline in later life. ... (Read more)

The Telegraph


Hawaii: US may pursue relationship with Native Hawaiians

The federal government is considering re-establishing a government-to-government relationship with Native Hawaiians, just weeks after the head of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs sought clarity on whether the Hawaiian Kingdom still exists in the eyes of the United States. ... (Read more)

The Garden Island


Italy: Adopted children ‘joyous’ as they land in Italy

Thirty-one Congolese children, adopted by Italian families, have arrived in Italy – nine months after their adoption was blocked by authorities in Congo.

La Stampa said there were “hugs and tears, applause and true joy”, when the children, aged between 18 months and nine, were reunited with their adoptive parents upon landing at Rome’s Ciampino airport on Wednesday morning. ... (Read more)

The Local


Denmark: Museum selling Viking ships to the public

If you’ve ever dreamed of powering through the waves on a Viking longboat like Ragnar Lothbrok, axe at your side, ready to terrorise some unsuspecting Englishmen, then stow away your pillow and dream no further. ... (Read more)

The Copenhagen Post


Norway: Farmer finds engagement ring after 35 years

It makes for some Jade wedding anniversary. A farmer in northern Norway who lost his engagement ring while spreading fertiliser months before his wedding has recovered it 35 years later. ... (Read more)

The Local


UAE: 500 Dubai shops not to sell cigarettes on Saturday

Smokers in Dubai can brace themselves for a “smokeless Saturday” with a whopping 500 shops across the emirate pledging to stop the sale of cigarettes and tobacco products to mark the World No Tobacco Day. ... (Read more)

Khaleej Times


Sweden: Meet Boss - the most popular animal in Europe

Boss the French Bulldog has so many Instagram followers that if they gathered together in a group, it'd be more populous than Uppsala, Sweden’s fourth biggest city. Yes, he boasts 181,000 followers ... (Read more)

The Local


*Image of Hawaiian Palms via Shutterstock