7 Headlines You Won’t Read Anywhere Else Today: Jan. 9

7 Headlines You Won’t Read Anywhere Else Today: Jan. 9
The Northern Lights dance over the glacier lagoon in Iceland. *Shutterstock

Iceland: Good Northern Lights Forecast for West Iceland

The northern lights forecast for Iceland early tomorrow morning is looking good, mbl.is reports. In Reykjavík, however, it will be cloudy.

The best places to see the high activity tomorrow morning will be in West Iceland north of Hvalfjörður and on the south coast east of Stokkseyri and west of Seljalandsfoss. ...

Iceland Review


Poland: Clapton to play Auschwitz ‘Life Festival’

Legendary British guitarist Eric Clapton will headline the fifth edition of a festival promoting peace and tolerance near the former Nazi German death camp of Auschwitz.

This June, Clapton will follow in the footsteps of artists such as Sting and Peter Gabriel, who have both performed at the event in previous years. ...

The News


South Korea: Koreans become more conservative

The number of Koreans describing themselves as politically liberal has decreased in the past three years, according to data released by the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs on Wednesday.

The study also found that the number identifying as conservative or moderate had increased since 2010. ...

The Korea Herald


Germany: Disaster Centennial: The Disturbing Relevance of World War I

It has now been 100 years since the outbreak of World War I, but the European catastrophe remains relevant today. As the Continent looks back this year, old wounds could once again be rubbed raw.

Joachim Gauck, the 11th president of the Federal Republic of Germany, executes his duties in a palace built for the Hohenzollern dynasty. But almost all memories of Prussian glory have been eliminated from Bellevue Palace in Berlin, where there is no pomp and there are no uniforms and few flags. The second door on the left in the entrance hall leads into a parlor where Gauck receives visitors. ...



Egypt: Egyptians Abroad Start Voting On Referendum

Egyptians living abroad in 161 countries started to cast their votes on Wednesday 8/1/2014 on the new constitution referendum.

About 138 polling stations are located at the diplomatic missions of Egypt abroad. The voting will be over five days ...

All Africa


Indonesia: Oz to buy 16 vessels to stop boat people

The Australian government is to buy 16 lifeboat-type craft for their border protection ships to carry undocumented migrants back to Indonesia, a move which could cause fresh tension between the neighboring countries. ...

Jakarta Post


Brazil: What The World Cup Will Do To Brazil’s Economy


The countdown has begun to June 12 when the FIFA World Cup kicks off in Brazil, which is hosting the planet’s most popular sporting event for a second time, after the fourth edition in 1950.

Much has been said about the economic and social situation of the country, especially after last summer’s protests against government corruption and the hike in transport prices in major cities such as São Paulo. And while a global event like the World Cup opens up new economic opportunities for hosting countries, the amount of money spent for the occasion also raises the question of whether it is all worth it. ...

Folha de S. Paulo via Worldcrunch


*Image of Northern Lights via Shutterstock.