7 Headlines You Won’t Read Anywhere Else Today: August 5

7 Headlines You Won’t Read Anywhere Else Today: August 5
Panorama of the Old Town pier architecture of Bryggen in Bergen, Norway. (*Shutterstock)

And once again, we set off for a quick trip around the world with interesting news that you probably won’t see anywhere else today.


Norway: 82-year-old cyclist mistaken for terrorist

82-year-old Ørnulf Pedersen from Oslo was riding his bike on Ekebergsletta, Oslo on Monday when police swooped.

Pedersen was travelling on an electrical bike powered by a home-made battery to watch the Norway Cup football tournament. Police mistakenly took his bike’s  battery-pack for a bomb device. The elderly Norwegian said to “VG” he cycled a lot, but at his age, and a recent bypass-operation, had made him dependent on a motor on his bicycle. ... (Read more)

The Local


Italy: Google Glass meets Italian opera

The great Italian composer Giacomo Puccini could never have imagined his final operatic work Turandot being shown to the world through the eyes of Google Glass.
Yet that is just what happened at the Teatro Lirico di Cagliari on the island of Sardinia, as the technology designed by California’s Internet giant was put into service for one of the first times in a live opera ... (Read more)



Wales: First there was the bracelet, then the loom band dress... now witness the loom band bikini!

First it was bracelets, then came the dress that fetched a £170,000 eBay bid – and now one enterprising Welsh mum has created a loom band bikini.

Lynwen Stonelake, from Swansea, was inspired to make the swimwear two-piece from the elastic bands that have become the playground craze of 2014 after reading about the success of the dress that became known worldwide after bidding reached fever pitch. ... (Read more)

Wales Online


Australia: Couple married 62 years die four hours apart, holding hands

A couple who were married 62 years died four hours apart while lying next to each other, their family said.

Don and Maxine Simpson’s granddaughter, Melissa Sloan, first shared the couple’s story with KERO-TV and it quickly went viral. ... (Read more)

The Sydney Morning Herald


Chile: New graffiti law to penalize parents

Deputies are gearing up to add an additional provision to a proposed graffiti law: fining the parents of minors who have graffitied — a controversial move that has garnered criticism from street artists, who support the practice as an integral part of Chile’s history. ... (Read more)

Santiago Times


Ireland: Discovering Ireland, one trip at a time

I am from Nepal, and my husband is from Bhutan, but we are not planning any trips abroad. This means we don’t have packing to do or flights to book, or worries about what to bring and leave behind. Entertaining the children has meant a lot of planning, so, in addition to summer camps, we are trying to organise as many day trips as possible. ... (Read more)

Irish Times


Japan: Fukushima farm ships 1st produce cultivated in evacuation zone

Forty kilograms of fresh strawberries were shipped from Iitate Ichigo Land farm on July 31, the first produce dispatched from an area designated as an evacuation zone since the Fukushima nuclear disaster. ... (Read more)

Asahi Shimbun


*Image of  summer panorama of the Old Town pier architecture of Bryggen in Bergen, Norway  via Shutterstock