7 Headlines You Won’t Read Anywhere Else Today: August 12

7 Headlines You Won’t Read Anywhere Else Today: August 12
Pont des arts, Paris - France. (*Shutterstock)

And once again, we set off for a quick trip around the world with interesting news that you probably won’t see anywhere else today.


France: Paris urges lovers to swap ‘love locks’ for ’selfies’

Note to romance-struck couples strolling in Paris, the eternal city of love: please consider immortalising your passion with a “selfie” rather than lashing a padlock to a city bridge.

That was the message issued on Monday by city hall authorities, desperately trying to save its bridges ... (Read more)

France 24


Denmark: Copenhagen to get its first free supermarket

The first ‘free’ supermarket in Copenhagen is scheduled to open on Nordre Fasanvej in Frederiksberg on Saturday. The concept, know as ’tryvertising', has been around for a while. Customers register on a website and then go to the shop to pick up whatever products interest them, try them out and then write a review. ... (Read more)

The Copenhagen Post


UK: How animals deal with infection

Humans are constantly at war with disease. We lob antibiotic missiles at bacteria and toss vaccine-shaped grenades at viruses. We drop bombs made of antibacterial soap and hand sanitiser on everything we can. ... (Read more)



Bhutan: The drug blight

The Royal Bhutan Police is appealing to the public and youth to refrain from abusing drugs and getting involved in illegal drug business.  Starting from the capital, they will travel across the country making the same appeal.

This move speaks volumes of the problems of drugs and controlled substances in the country.  Records with police show that, in less than eight months, 562 people were arrested, either for possession or illegal transaction of banned substances.  What is more worrying is that more than half of them are young people, with 44 below the age of 18 years. ... (Read more)

Kuensel Online


Uzbekistan: Fight against child labor? I’ve heard nothing.

Human rights activists conducted a survey among farmers to see if they knew anything about measures being taken to fight child labor in the country – they had apparently heard nothing.

“It is really surprising that people with a direct connection to this shameful practice have heard nothing from the government about its attempted eradication,” say the activists. The survey was sent to farmers in several Tashkent province districts this spring. ... (Read more)



Ireland: Put a bell on your bike

“So, where would you be going without a bell on your bike?”Apparently on the growing number of Irish greenways and shared cycling-walking paths.

A councillor in Kerry is calling on cyclists to “put a bell on your bike” for the safety of themselves and walkers. ... (Read more)

Irish Times


Germany: Survey: Germans obsessed with games

Germany has become a nation of obsessive gamers, new figures show. Two in five adult Germans now admits to being a regular gamer - half of them play every day. ... (Read more)

The Local


*View of the Louvre Museum and Pont des arts, Paris - France via Shutterstock