6 Best UFO Sightings This Month (+Photos +Videos)

Mexico has been a popular place for UFO sightings in February, and on Valentine’s Day a few sightings were reported around the world.
6 Best UFO Sightings This Month (+Photos +Videos)
UFO sightings in February 2014.
Tara MacIsaac

Multiple UFO sightings were reported in Mexico from Feb. 10 to Feb. 11.

On Valentine’s Day, a smartphone video shows what looks like a UFO moving quickly through the sky above New York City. On the same day, people watching the skies and space also reported a UFO approaching the moon and another appearing in footage from a camera on the International Space Station.

Let’s start in Mexico, travel to New York, move on to the Space Station, then to the moon.


1. Atzipan, Mexico, Feb. 10, 2014:

A description of this video states that the footage was captured with a night-vision system used for surveillance. The triangular shape of the object was noted. This image was captured at about 8:30 p.m., according to the description. Some 70 or so miles from Atzipan, in Morelos, Mexico, another sighting took place the next night.

Video uploaded by José Luis Rueda: CIRCAC 


Morelos, Cuernavaca, Mexico (A); Atizapan, Mexico (B). (Google Maps)


2. Morelos, Mexico, Feb. 11, 2014:

This footage was captured in Morelos, Mexico, on Feb. 11. About 600 miles east, in Caucel, Mexico, another sighting occurred on the same night. 

Morelos, Mexico (B); Caucel, Mexico (A). (Google Maps)


3. Caucel, Mexico, Feb. 11, 2014:

A light moves back and forth in the sky in Caucel, Mexico. The witness said in a description of the video that the sighting occurred at 10 p.m. on Feb. 11, 2014. The witness does not claim it is an alien spacecraft, but invites people to discuss what this light may be.


4. Manhattan, New York City, USA, Feb. 14, 2014


A group of people saw a light moving through the night sky before they lost sight of it behind a building. They rushed up to the roof of their building to get a better look and regained sight of the object moving through the sky. The video contains profanities, so Epoch Times chose not to publish it, but you can view it here


5. International Space Station, Feb. 14, 2014:

Some claim the light to the left in the frame is a UFO.  The light moves in this clip republished by a YouTube user from footage taken by a camera on the International Space Station. 


6. Moon, Feb. 14, 2014:

This footage was recorded using a 150mm/1400mm reflector telescope, according to the witness’ description. The vantage point is Taylors Hill, Victoria, Australia.