5 Places You Wish You Worked (Amazing Employee Perks and Benefits)

5 Places You Wish You Worked (Amazing Employee Perks and Benefits)
Veronica Davis

Work days and work weeks are longer than ever, but some companies are finding creative ways to reduce the stress and give back to their employees. We’re not talking about the usual health insurance, 401k plans and business trips to NYC or San Diego... even if you do get to stay in upscale FCH (Fox Corporate) housing... Nope, these employees have it made. How about unlimited time off? Sure. Get paid extra money to use your vacation days? Got it. Scuba diving lessons? Why not? Here are five places you wish you worked...

SC Johnson’s 24/7 Concierge

SC Johnson is trying to alleviate a little bit of daily stress by offering their employees a concierge that’s available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Forgot to pick up the dry cleaning this morning? No problem, the concierge’s got your back. They offer child care, paid sabbaticals and retirees are given a free lifetime gym membership.

Moz’s Vacation Money

Paid vacation time is almost expected these days. But the people at Moz.com have taken vacation to a new level. Following FullContact’s lead, they offer employees $3,000 worth of reimbursements on vacation-related expenses. You can’t stack it, though. If you don’t use it that year, you lose it. FullContact offers much more, but they don’t have nearly as many employees.

Chesapeake Energy’s Living Well Program

Lots of companies are realizing that their employees need to be not only happy, but healthy too. Chesapeake Energy clearly understands this. It’s evident with the enormous amount of classes and programs that are available at the 4,000 square foot fitness center. Employees can get $1,000 annually to use toward health and education. Scuba diving classes are one of the most popular options, but that’s just one option... they can even take flying lessons.

Deloitte’s Paid Sabbaticals

Want to further your career through a trip to a far off land? Need some time for personal growth? Want to volunteer somewhere for a few weeks? Deloitte employees can enjoy three or six month sabbaticals that are partially paid. If they prefer, they have the option to take an entire month off for any reason they choose (unpaid). They also have backup, emergency childcare in the case your babysitter doesn’t show up and you need to be at work. If you have furry little, 4-legged family members, they even offer pet insurance.

The Never Ending Benefits at Zappos

Take a walk through Zappos and you'll probably feel like you’re at a party instead of a place of business. Executives, all with open door policies, sit on “Monkey Row” complete with fake bananas and blow up monkeys. If an employee needs a break, they simply head to the high tech nap room. Need a pick-me-up? They have a smoothie bar, cappuccino bar, a kitchen, fully stocked break rooms and more. Just want to unwind with a bit of fun? Head to the pool table, ping pong table, play computer or console games or simply sit down with a good book in the library.


Veronica Davis
Veronica Davis
Veronica is a wife and work at home mom. Her and her husband live in Missouri with their three boys. She has been a freelance writer for over fiver years, and has since ventured into many areas of working online and marketing online. She loves being in the kitchen, discovering new dishes the family loves and hopes to go to culinary school some day. A former Marine and ex-whitewater rafting guide, she loves the outdoors and sports.
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