5 Internet Marketing Events Not To Miss This Autumn

5 Internet Marketing Events Not To Miss This Autumn
Ann Smarty

Every year the best and brightest in the marketing industry gather together at different conferences to discuss the latest trends in the market. Each year seems to be better than the last, with more prominent speakers, more tracks and new topics to discuss. In 2013, we had an especially fantastic year for marketing conferences.

But the years isn’t over yet. There are some great events that are going to be going on this Fall, including some of the most popular series around.

1. SES Conference San Francisco

Conversion Conference

You will have access to five different tracks: Paid, Owned, Earned, Integrated and Business Intelligence. Each has its own talk set in each block of time through the three day conference. You also have workshops you can attend. Two special events will be sponsored this year, including Recovering From Penalties, Penguin and Panda, and Authors, Penguins, & Disavows: the Future of Content Marketing, with Jim Boykin. There are difference packages for all price ranges, but an All Access Pass starts at $2,395 if you buy before August 15.

Where and When: Every year SES holds conferences all over from the world, from Berlin to Jakarta. This session will be held in San Francisco from September 10, 2013 - September 13, 2013.

2. Incite Marketing Summit New York

Incite Marketing Summit New York

Learn the newest ways to engage with customers, be successful over multiple platforms, really get comfortable with social media and more. Companies who will be lending speakers include Skype, Sony, Jockey International, Aflac and L'Oreal. Everyone speaking there will be a corporate level member of these businesses, there to share their experience, not sell you something. Early bird rates start at $1645.

Where and When: You can gather with some of the most innovative thinkers in marketing for this event in New York City from September 18, 2013 - September 19, 2013. Accommodation can be booked in advance via NewYorkHotels.org.

3. Pubcon Las Vegas

Pubcon Las Vegas

Well known for being a central event in the social media and SEO world, Pubcon Las Vegas is once again making waves. Top keynotes will include Matt Cutts of Google, Scott Stratten of UnMarketing and Jason Calacanis of Inside.com. A Platinum Badge, which includes full access to the conference plus the training sessions on the 21st start at just $1199 until September 15.

Where and When: The official conference will be in Las Vegas, October 22, 2013 - October 24, 2013. However, on October 21 there will be a fill day of search and social media training you can sign up for.

4. Conversion Conference

Conversion Conference

There are actually going to be two different conferences in the Conversion series this Fall. Both are dedicated to optimization, converting traffic to sales and generating leads. These events are perfect for both beginners and experienced marketers, and handle a lot of trends developing in the market today.

Where and When: The first will be held in Paris September 30, 2013 - October 2, 2013. The second will be in London from October 23, 2013 - October 24, 2013.

5. Content Marketing World 2013

Conversion Conference

This September you can go listen to speakers like William Shatner, Ann Handley, Heather Mesa and Todd Wheatland discussing marketing topics that are applicable to nearly every industry. There will be workshops, the main show and then the summit on the 12th for those who choose to extend their stay at the event. All access passes at the regular rate are $2,235.00, but more costly at the door so be sure to register now.

Where and When: Cleveland, Ohio from September 9, 2013 - September 11, 2013.

Should I Attend a Conference?

Are you in an industry that has an online presence? Do you want to be? Then yes, you should attend a conference at least every other year, once a year if possible. It is the best way to keep on top of the veer changing marketing world, and to better engage with people on a professional level, whether that is B2C or B2B. And it’s a great way to travel on a budget too!

Not to mention it is a fantastic way to network with others in your field and even those you aren’t involved directly in. You can never have to many contacts, and you never know when they might come in handy. All business benefits from fostering relationships, even with so much of it being centered online these days.

Planning to go to an event? Tell us about it in the comments.

Ann Smarty
Ann Smarty
Ann Smarty is the serial guest blogger, founder of My Blog Guest and co-founder of Viral Content Buzz . Ann is also a proud member of Internet Marketing Ninjas team writing weekly at IMN blog and promoting their brand.