3 Steps To A Holiday Present That Gets You Referrals, Clients & Gratitude!

3 Steps To A Holiday Present That Gets You Referrals, Clients & Gratitude!
Deborah Asseraf

Every year you’re faced with the same challenge: fruit basket or Popcorn tin? But neither get you much more than a lukewarm thank you email. This year learn how to invest in presents that will get you referrals, clients and gratitude.

Before we dive into creating unique branded gifts a couple convincing facts as to why generic promotional items aren’t worth the investment: In a study done by PPAI in 2011 consumers who identified gifts under a $25 value interpreted them as advertisement and not a reward and recipients had no clear preference for branded or generic gifts. On the other hand, buyers were satisfied with the expenditure (no matter the price point of the gift) and believed branded products were more consistent with their organizations reputation. What kind of impact do you think you are making if you are more satisfied with your gift than your receiver? What kind of reaction do you hope to gain if the recipient (who deems your “gift” advertisement) doesn’t care if you’re name is on it or not?

We’re Drowning in the Mundane! Throw out whatever plans you had to send out branded mugs, key chains, pens, tote bags, water bottles or any other generic junk your recipient is probably going to receive from everyone else this holiday season and instead focus on getting back to the basics. What is your company about? And, how do you communicate this through a present? Sit down, close your eyes and start to visualize your company as a 3D object. What does your company smell like? Taste like? Feel like? If they were to make a museum dedicated to your company, what would someone leave feeling? These are all the senses that shape the inner DNA of your brand and, these are all great starting points for gifts. I recently did this exercise with a business owner who runs a series of comedy podcasts. It struck him that his business was very much like pop rocks because the listener never knew what was coming next. Result? He sent gag cards along with a bag of pop rocks glued to the back. And, he’s already gotten calls from people thanking him for the thoughtful gift.

Even Holiday Gifts Have To Be On Brand? DUH! Holiday gifts are a wonderful way to reconnect with contacts and remind them what makes you so special. This is clearly hard to accomplish when you’re sending generic junk that has nothing to do with your company’s message. What are the core values of your company? And, which of them you hope to share with your recipients? For business owner Christine Ricco, whose company helps social entrepreneurs keep their finances in order while also making the world a better place, realized that her gift had to be on target with her core values. Result? Christine sent branded bookmarks (made from recycled paper) in tiny clay pots. The bookmarks had seeds imbedded in them so her recipients could plant flowers. Her present was perfectly aligned with her core values and those of her audience.

Keep it Simple, Not Generic. When it comes to holiday gifts trying to think of one of object that can satisfy everyone will only lead you down the path to the generic. Everyone needs a water bottle, right? But, these gifts are an opportunity to make you shine. So instead think, what makes us so unique? What do our customers love about our company? And, work on making this your gift.

Need help thinking of an original holiday gift for your VIPS? Let us know some of ideas below or email us at [email protected] and we'll be happy to give you some ideas.

Deborah Asseraf
Deborah Asseraf
Deborah Asseraf is founder & CEO of Popcorn Productions, a company that explodes awareness for businesses through tailored campaigns. Popcorn Productions produces exclusive events, video products and specialty products aimed at spreading the word through interactive environments. Loving every minute of being an Entrepreneur, Deborah started the Social Pulse, a blog devoted to addressing important, fun and educational issues for and about entrepreneurs, business owners and the buisiness savvy.
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