3 Places You Should Think About Investing In Property Abroad

3 Places You Should Think About Investing In Property Abroad

Investing in real estate in the United States is something of a gamble as there are many booms and recessions when it comes to areas. Does this mean that you should not invest in real estate at all? Of course not, there are opportunities to invest in property around the world that could make you rich. That being said, there are no sure things when it comes to investing in real estate. There are a few places around the world that make it much less of a risk and that is because the real estate markets are more stable and you can buy more for less very easily in many countries.

Hong Kong

With Hong Kong being one of the business capitals of the world, investing in commercial real estate seems like a no brainer. Most of the times that large corporations want to open up an office in Asia, Hong Kong is always on the list of options. As Hong Kong is very crowded, investing in some of the property on the outskirts could yield giant dividends in the coming years. Some of the larger entities have cashed out their investments which leaves the market flooded for the smaller fish to come and get some of the real estate available.


This island in the Mediterranean is one of the most beautiful in the world. The culture of this place is what makes it a great place to invest in residential and rental residential properties. Ibiza is a hotspot when it comes to the younger crowd of Europe visiting and partying. Villas in Ibiza are frequently full with college aged people who are on holiday. This island has been popular for many years and will continue so this is as safe of a residential property investment as you can get. The demand will always be there for the property you own without much marketing.

Managua, Nicaragua

This is one of the naturally most beautiful places on earth when it comes to the terrain. There are volcanoes, lakes, and beautiful hills that seem to go on for forever. The capital city is growing daily and it a buzzing area of activity. This is a great place if you want to invest in a mix of different opportunities. The investor could invest in commercial property as there are hotels and shops sprouting up almost on a daily basis. With this being such a hotspot of activity, residential investments will also grow so the advice here is to get in on the ground level of real estate in Managua.

With all of this being said, investing in property is a great opportunity and risk. These places that were mentioned are the safer of the investments but there are not any real safe investments. Doing a proper amount of research before investing in anything is the most important. Reaching out to people who have done well investing in the area and those who have failed can shed some light on the mistakes that you should avoid and the tactics you should implement to make this venture successful.

Tommy Wyher
Tommy Wyher
Tommy was a former college swimmer at the University of North Carolina. During this time, Tommy had a lot of time staring at the bottom of the pool and coming up with some great and not so great ideas. Email Tommy at [email protected]