3 of the Best Cities for Entrepeneurs and Startups

3 of the Best Cities for Entrepeneurs and Startups
Veronica Davis

The U.S has always been regarded as the land of opportunities. It’s a country that has rewarded the innovative and forward-thinking, providing strong resources and a stable environment to entrepreneurs or start-up founders who are looking to take their brilliant ideas to greater heights. However, even with available resources such as grants, tax breaks, federal loans and hiring benefits, breaking new grounds can be challenging in the midst of competing against established businesses.

If you’re hoping to start your own business, naturally, you'll want to live in a location that can accord you with the lifestyle that you desire and with a cost that you can afford. But the place you choose to start-up in also needs to provide you with ample business resources such as adequate tax breaks, relevant government programs, talent pools, proper infrastructure, low crime rates, a healthy economy, and a reasonably good standard of living for your family. These are some of the most important things that will act as the wind beneath the wings of your start-up business.

Let’s take a look at 3 of the best places in the U.S. for start-ups:

Silicon Valley, San Francisco

Sappin Global has this number one on the list and for good reason. One of the most breathtaking urban centers in the U.S, Silicon Valley is home to thousands of tech start-ups and giant technology corporations such as eBay, Google, Facebook, and Apple Inc. The business culture in this city is extremely conducive for tech start-ups because you‘ll get access to the movers and shakers of the tech industry. Need to pitch something to the VP of Cisco Systems? Well, he’d only be a stone’s throw away. Looking for investors who are on the lookout for the next big thing to pump their money into? How convenient it is that some of the world’s biggest venture capitalist firms are just a short drive away.

The one thing to note before you pack-up and head to San Francisco to chase your dreams is that this is one of the most expensive cities in the U.S. to live in. The State of California has very high taxes, but then again, the biggest players in the technology field are all centralized in this one location. Do the math, take a risk, and get rich or die trying. This is not the place for the meek but for the person who is willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.

Austin, Texas

Entrepreneur chose Austin as the number one city, which is obviously a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship. Centered around the annual South by Southwest (SXSW) festival, the city is one that is vibrant and welcoming to young graduates. Austin is also home to a number of top U.S. colleges such as the University of Texas at Austin, and this means that you'll have quite a number of qualified graduates and a ready pool of labor to choose from. The city has a lower cost of living as compared to San Francisco, and it’s not lacking in big name corporations who have set up camp here. These include Fortune 500 companies such as Dell Corporation, and many other companies all in various industries such as aerospace and air travel, gaming, film and television, energy, finance and banking, etc.

Seattle, Washington

A city that’s made a big comeback as explained by Fast Company is Seattle. In the last 10 years, Seattle has grown by leaps and bounds to be one of the U.S.’s best cities to start-up in. It’s a city that’s strategically located, allowing you the convenience of accessing both the northern and the southern sections of the West Coast via mass-transit. San Francisco, Vancouver, and Portland are all within relatively easy reach from Seattle.

Fortune 500 companies such as Amazon and Starbucks have made Seattle their home, as well as a number of food and beverage, consulting firms, and a whole host of internet businesses. This metropolitan city is also an important center for medical research and development, so if you’re founding a start-up that deals with any of these industries, you'll not go wrong by choosing Seattle.

Veronica Davis
Veronica Davis
Veronica is a wife and work at home mom. Her and her husband live in Missouri with their three boys. She has been a freelance writer for over fiver years, and has since ventured into many areas of working online and marketing online. She loves being in the kitchen, discovering new dishes the family loves and hopes to go to culinary school some day. A former Marine and ex-whitewater rafting guide, she loves the outdoors and sports.
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