3 Million Residents in Updated NYC Flood Zone Maps

Long-awaited updated flood zone evacuation maps have been released by the City of New York on June 18, bringing nearly 3 million New Yorkers within potential flood zones.
3 Million Residents in Updated NYC Flood Zone Maps
Long-awaited updated flood zone evacuation maps have been released by the City of New York on June 18. Courtesy of the mayor's office

NEW YORK—The long-awaited updated flood zone evacuation maps have been released by the City of New York. One of the key changes in the flood zones is that they now number 1 through 6 instead of A, B, and C.

Changing the flood zones will increase the city’s flexibility for tailor-made evacuations according to storm conditions.

Deputy Mayor Cas Holloway said in a statement the updated flood zones “incorporate the best-available data” to give the city new tools to more effectively communicate to the people most at risk, depending on the characteristics of a particular storm.

People can find out if they live within one of the six evacuation zones by going to www.nyc.gov or calling 311. The mover from three to six zones added 600,000 New Yorkers to the zone boundaries. The new maps were developed in partnership with the National Weather Service and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The maps take into account coastal flood risk assessments based on storm surge, low-lying neighborhood geography, and neighborhood accessibility to bridges and roads. The city is also recommending residents keep on hand a disaster kit with enough food, water, supplies, and a flashlight for several days.

The total number of New Yorkers who live in flood evacuation zones under the new map is 2.99 million.

All homes and businesses in an evacuation zone will get a hurricane guide by mail around the end of June. The guide will include details about the new evacuation zones, and key information for residents living in affected areas.