2-Year-Old’s Survival May Have Been Miraculous

2-Year-Old’s Survival May Have Been Miraculous
Epoch Newsroom

It’s every parent’s worst nightmare, and it looked dire after a little girl went missing for almost 48 hours.

Rainn Peterson’s great-grandparents were watching her and her two older siblings while their mother moved, but lost track of the little girl. Rainn was officially reported missing in the evening around 6:30 p.m. when she didn’t come home when called in for dinner.

The search for the two-year-old quickly ramped up, with authorities and locals combining forces to try to find her.

Finally, volunteer Victor Sutton called 911 with an update.

“I found baby Rainn and she’s alive,” he shouted to the dispatchers.

Sutton was using his four-wheeler to scan the area when he spotted her lying in the grass, where she was merely sleeping.

After Rainn started crying, Sutton picked her up. The dispatcher then responded.

“Is that her I hear? I hear her. Oh, I just got goosebumps.”

Sutton added:  “Oh my God, me too. I couldn’t give up on this kid. Thank God.”

She was immediately rushed to a local hospital, and the family is extremely grateful to Sutton and everyone else who helped search for her.