19 Deaths, 331 New Virus Cases in Victoria on Aug. 11

19 Deaths, 331 New Virus Cases in Victoria on Aug. 11
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews speaks to the media during a press conference on July 15, 2020 in Melbourne, Australia. Victoria has recorded 238 new coronavirus cases and one death overnight. (Robert Cianflone/Getty Images)

Another 19 Victorians have died and 331 new cases of COVID-19 have been recorded.

It’s the second day in a row of a record 19 deaths and the details of the victims have not yet been released.

Tuesday’s deaths brings the state’s toll to 247 and the national figure to 332.

The Department of Health and Human Services tweeted the figures moments before Premier Daniel Andrews was due to face a parliamentary inquiry over his government’s handling of Victoria’s second coronavirus wave.

Andrews is the first witness called at the second sitting of the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee’s COVID-19 Inquiry on Aug 11.

He last appeared at the hearing on May 12, when the state’s total number of coronavirus cases was 1509 and 18 people had died.

Andrews faced immediate questioning from PAEC deputy chair Richard Riordan on the botched hotel quarantine program, which is being blamed for the second wave.

The Herald Sun on Tuesday reported a leaked video of bureaucrats from the Department of Jobs, Precincts and the Regions congratulating themselves on pulling together the program and the efforts made to make guests comfortable.

There is no discussion of the health restrictions put in place.

“Did the crisis Cabinet, think hotel quarantine would be better run by people who fix roads and run an art gallery than your own health department?” Riordan asked.

“The answer to your question is no. At no point did people make a decision like that,” Andrews responded.

Also appearing on Tuesday are Health Minister Jenny Mikakos, Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton and Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kym Peake.

Benita Kolovos in Melbourne