Mark Hendrickson
Mark Hendrickson
Mark Hendrickson is an economist who retired from the faculty of Grove City College in Pennsylvania, where he remains fellow for economic and social policy at the Institute for Faith and Freedom. He is the author of several books on topics as varied as American economic history, anonymous characters in the Bible, the wealth inequality issue, and climate change, among others.


Memorial Day 2024: Contemplations on the Past and Future

Memorial Day 2024: Contemplations on the Past and Future
May 27

Harvard’s Bigger Problem Is Our Society’s Bigger Problem

Harvard’s Bigger Problem Is Our Society’s Bigger Problem
Apr 30

The Ultimate Absurdity of ‘1.5 Degrees C’ and ‘Net Zero’

The Ultimate Absurdity of ‘1.5 Degrees C’ and ‘Net Zero’
Apr 26

The Shining Stars of ‘March Madness’

The Shining Stars of ‘March Madness’
Apr 12

‘Climate: The Movie’—a Review

‘Climate: The Movie’—a Review
Mar 28

Anti-Corporate Nonsense: Stock Buybacks and CEO Pay

Anti-Corporate Nonsense: Stock Buybacks and CEO Pay
Mar 22

The ‘Corporate Greed’ Canard and the ‘Greedflation’ Myth

The ‘Corporate Greed’ Canard and the ‘Greedflation’ Myth
Mar 13

The Destructive Corporation-Bashing of the Left

The Destructive Corporation-Bashing of the Left
Mar 08

Highlights and Lowlights on the Way to a $34 Trillion National Debt

Highlights and Lowlights on the Way to a $34 Trillion National Debt
Feb 29

Lessons From History: Some Enlighten, Some Confuse

Lessons From History: Some Enlighten, Some Confuse
Feb 23