Angelica Reis
Angelica Reis loves nature, volunteer work, her family, and her faith. She is an English teacher with a background in classical music, and enjoys uncovering hidden gems, shining them up, and sharing them with readers. She makes her home in New York state.


Wooden Wind Instruments From Around the World

Wooden Wind Instruments From Around the World
May 15

Bowed, Plucked, Strummed, and Struck: Stringed Instruments Around the World

Bowed, Plucked, Strummed, and Struck: Stringed Instruments Around the World
May 14

The Asian Fascination With Cherry Blossoms, Explained

The Asian Fascination With Cherry Blossoms, Explained
May 01

‘Good Things Come to Those Who Wait’: The Virtue of Patience

‘Good Things Come to Those Who Wait’: The Virtue of Patience
Apr 23

Mice, Men, and Farming: ‘The Best Laid Plans ... Often Go Awry’

Mice, Men, and Farming: ‘The Best Laid Plans ... Often Go Awry’
Apr 16

Seasonal Delights: The Loveliest Spring Prose

Seasonal Delights: The Loveliest Spring Prose
Apr 09

How the Ancients Understood Eclipses

How the Ancients Understood Eclipses
Apr 07

A Proverb of Perspective: ‘All That Glitters Isn’t Gold’

A Proverb of Perspective: ‘All That Glitters Isn’t Gold’
Apr 02

The Wisdom of Mending Things Sooner Rather Than Later

The Wisdom of Mending Things Sooner Rather Than Later
Apr 02

A Proverb to Cherish: ‘One Good Turn Deserves Another’

A Proverb to Cherish: ‘One Good Turn Deserves Another’
Apr 01