China Military News

China Military News | LATEST STORIES

CCP Restricts Export of Some Aviation, Aerospace Parts Amid Tech War With West

CCP Restricts Export of Some Aviation, Aerospace Parts Amid Tech War With West

US, China Defense Ministers Hold First Face-to-Face Meetings in 18 Months

US, China Defense Ministers Hold First Face-to-Face Meetings in 18 Months

New Taiwan Presidency Sparks Multifaceted Aggression by the CCP: Experts

New Taiwan Presidency Sparks Multifaceted Aggression by the CCP: Experts

Lawmakers Urge Biden Admin to Investigate Chinese-Backed Drone Advocacy Group

Lawmakers Urge Biden Admin to Investigate Chinese-Backed Drone Advocacy Group

Taiwan and Japan Strengthen Relations Before Presidential Inauguration

Taiwan and Japan Strengthen Relations Before Presidential Inauguration

US Sanctions 8 Hong Kong Companies For Aiding Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

US Sanctions 8 Hong Kong Companies For Aiding Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Chinese Diplomats Involved in ‘Wire-Tapping’ Should Be Expelled Immediately: Filipino Officials

Chinese Diplomats Involved in ‘Wire-Tapping’ Should Be Expelled Immediately: Filipino Officials

China’s Satellite Fleet Poses Threats to US Troops in Potential Pacific Conflict: Space Force Intel Chief

China’s Satellite Fleet Poses Threats to US Troops in Potential Pacific Conflict: Space Force Intel Chief

West Needs to Divest From China to Avoid Space Wars, Rocket Scientist Warns

West Needs to Divest From China to Avoid Space Wars, Rocket Scientist Warns

Wall Street Funding Blacklisted Chinese Companies: House Committee Probe

Wall Street Funding Blacklisted Chinese Companies: House Committee Probe

Chinese Leader Has Left No Space for Any Contender: Former EU Trade Group Chief

Chinese Leader Has Left No Space for Any Contender: Former EU Trade Group Chief

Austin Speaks with Chinese Counterpart for First Time Since November 2022

Austin Speaks with Chinese Counterpart for First Time Since November 2022

Chinese Volunteers on Russian Battlefield Cry for Help

Chinese Volunteers on Russian Battlefield Cry for Help