Matthew Lysiak
Matthew Lysiak
Matthew Lysiak is a nationally recognized journalist and author of “Newtown” (Simon and Schuster), “Breakthrough” (Harper Collins), and “The Drudge Revolution.” The story of his family is the subject of the series “Home Before Dark” which premiered April 3 on Apple TV Plus.



Rancher: Record High Beef Prices May Be ‘New Norm’

Rancher: Record High Beef Prices May Be ‘New Norm’
May 27

Congressman Pushes for End to College COVID-19 Shot Mandates as Dozens Hold Out

Congressman Pushes for End to College COVID-19 Shot Mandates as Dozens Hold Out
May 20

Vermont Climate Bill Would Demand Oil Companies Pay for ‘Extreme Weather Events’

Vermont Climate Bill Would Demand Oil Companies Pay for ‘Extreme Weather Events’
May 13

Locals Outraged as Pennsylvania Men Remain Jailed for Providing Livestock Ultrasounds

Locals Outraged as Pennsylvania Men Remain Jailed for Providing Livestock Ultrasounds
Apr 29