Sophie Li
Sophie Li
Sophie Li is a Southern California-based reporter covering local daily news, state policies, and breaking news for The Epoch Times. Besides writing, she is also passionate about reading, photography, and tennis.


Mojave Desert Solar Farm Will Wipe Out Thousands of Joshua Trees

Mojave Desert Solar Farm Will Wipe Out Thousands of Joshua Trees

Assembly Passes Measure Allowing Illegal Immigrant Students to Work at California Colleges and Universities

Assembly Passes Measure Allowing Illegal Immigrant Students to Work at California Colleges and Universities

Progressive California County District Attorney Faces Recall Vote in November

Progressive California County District Attorney Faces Recall Vote in November

13-Year-Old Denied Speaking During California School Election Over ‘Patriotic’ Content

13-Year-Old Denied Speaking During California School Election Over ‘Patriotic’ Content

FBI Alleged Ex-LA City Attorney Lied During Probe of 2019 Water Department Billing Scandal

FBI Alleged Ex-LA City Attorney Lied During Probe of 2019 Water Department Billing Scandal