Walker Larson
Walker Larson
Walker Larson teaches literature at a private academy in Wisconsin, where he resides with his wife and daughter. He holds a master's in English literature and language, and his writing has appeared in The Hemingway Review, Intellectual Takeout, and his Substack, “TheHazelnut.” He is also the author of two novels, "Hologram" and "Song of Spheres."


True and False Masculinity in ‘The Big Country’

True and False Masculinity in ‘The Big Country’
May 28

Why Don’t We Create Beautiful Art Anymore?

Why Don’t We Create Beautiful Art Anymore?
May 25

Why We Need Poetry: Seeing the World Anew

Why We Need Poetry: Seeing the World Anew
May 08

From Republic to Dictatorship: The Rise of Sulla

From Republic to Dictatorship: The Rise of Sulla
May 07

Art Awakens the Soul in Evelyn Waugh’s ‘Brideshead Revisited’

Art Awakens the Soul in Evelyn Waugh’s ‘Brideshead Revisited’
Apr 25

What Was Karl Marx Like?

What Was Karl Marx Like?
Apr 17

Spiritual Transformation in the Medieval Poem ‘Yvain’

Spiritual Transformation in the Medieval Poem ‘Yvain’
Apr 13

‘The Tears of Things’: Suffering for a Reason

‘The Tears of Things’: Suffering for a Reason
Mar 31

10 Great Historical Fiction Books for Young Readers

10 Great Historical Fiction Books for Young Readers
Mar 30

5 Excellent TV Miniseries That Adapt Classic Fiction

5 Excellent TV Miniseries That Adapt Classic Fiction
Mar 30