Shen Yun Can ‘Bring a Lot of Serenity, Peace, and Understanding,’ Says Former Company Director

Shen Yun Can ‘Bring a Lot of Serenity, Peace, and Understanding,’ Says Former Company Director
Gilbert Moracchini enjoyed Shen Yun in Paris on April 30, 2023. NTD
PARIS, France—Gilbert Moracchini came all the way from Corsica to Paris to attend Shen Yun Performing Arts on Sunday, April 30, with his wife and mother-in-law “who love this kind of show,” his wife having practiced dance.

“I am astounded by the artistic quality of the dancers,” said the former company director enthusiastically. You can see they are at the top of their game. You can feel that it comes from deep inside them and I think the audience must feel it as well!”

“We feel this energy they want to convey,” added Mr. Moracchini, explaining that he “felt the values of serenity, consistency and courage, because each vignette shows this profound value of facing difficulty to make truth triumph.”

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, each season performing an all-new production of music and dance.

Among all the performances, Gilbert Moracchini “really liked the tenor and the song’s lyrics.”

“I happen to be Corsican, I sing a lot and I admit that it is good to hear this kind of lyrics in the times we live in. Not only do I think it is very important, but I defend the same culture as Shen Yun.

“As a Corsican, you have to know that our hymn is a hymn to the Mother of God, the Dio vi salvi Regina that every Corsican sings and that I sing regularly, including in countries where I have been, such as Russia for example, and even in South Korea. I had the chance to go there and I could sing the prayer to the Mother of God which is the hymn of Corsica par excellence. That is why I am very happy to have been able to hear and see this show!”

He saw that the traditional culture brought to life by Shen Yun shared the same, universal values.

For the former director, Shen Yun can “bring a lot of serenity, peace, and understanding, and I invite them to continue on this path, because this is what is cruelly lacking in our world today, when the devil tries to divide people since the word devil means division. And when we see what is happening not far from us, we understand how much our own brothers can be divided. And it is time for God to come back to the center of the world.”

Reporting by NTD and Sarita Modmesaïb.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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