Budapest on a Budget

Budapest on a Budget
Chain bridge in Budapest, Hungary via Shutterstock*

Visiting Budapest on a budget? That shouldn’t be a problem. The capital of Hungary, Budapest is situated in Eastern Europe, a decidedly inexpensive place to visit, especially if you have just come from Western Europe. Budapest is a beautifully historic city, and the river Danube — which snakes through this capital city — is a sure bet if you are looking for something romantic and unique.

Crime in Budapest is on the rise though, with common pickpocketing a growing problem. It’s best if you carry as little cash as possible, and carry only your bank card or credit card. Before you go, you can compare back accounts quickly and easily online not only to see what accounts offer the best rate, but also the replacement procedures in case your card is lost or stolen.

The best thing to do if you’re intent on seeing Budapest on a budget is (of course) to have a look at the free attractions first.

A great starter and orientation to the city is to take Tram Number 2 and just sit back and relax. Passing through the downtown, Vaci Street, and the Danube Promenade, Tram Number 2’s route will make public transportation feel like a guided tour, and for the small price of paying a one-way ticket you’re guaranteed to get a great return on your investment.

Feel in the mood for a hike? Then the next thing on your “Budapest on a budget” list is to climb Castle Hill. A short one kilometer walk, you'' be rewarded with scenes of the rich culture of Budapest and awesome views of the Danube. Reaching the top will allow you to see the Hungarian Royal Palace, which has free entrance to the Palace and the gardens, but there is a small fee to see the museums inside.

If you’ve got the equivalent of $3.50 USD to spare, you have the opportunity to sail the Danube River in one of the many river boats that leave from the same stops. You can get up close with Budapest’s 9 bridges, each with their different story in history, or they can just admire the beauty of the Danube.

Even though this is about doing Budapest on a budget, no visit to a foreign country would be complete without going to the local market. Kosponti Vasarcsarnok is the central market of Budapest. Visitors will get the opportunity to bargain and witness others bargaining for goods either that are being sold or being bought. Starting from traditional food, drinks and even the usual tourist hat, visitors will witness all these things in the central market of Budapest. This is one of the few places where cash in king, so be sure your bank card or credit card are left safely at your hotel, or well-hidden on your person – pickpockets can be troublesome in this area.

Budapest is a beautifully charming city and even if you are keen to Budapest on a budget, you will have an experience well worth remembering.

To Recap:

  • Take Tram #2 for a great orientation to the city
  • Help avoid pickpockets by having a look at the options for current accounts – both bank and credit cards before you go.
  • Ride the Riverboat to get close to Budapest’s 9 bridges.
  • Hike up to Castle Hill for the spectacular views.
  • Find a bargain at the central market — Kosponti Vasarcsarnok.

This article was written by Budget Travel Guide. Read the original here.

*Image of Chain bridge in Budapest, Hungary via Shutterstock

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