Debra Amundson
Debra Amundson has written about everything from food to fashion, discovered in her travels. After studies at FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) and the Academy of Art, she settled on UCLA for her certificate in journalism. She focuses on historical architecture, leading us from castles to Victorian homes.


San Francisco’s Octagon House: A Home Filled With Light

San Francisco’s Octagon House: A Home Filled With Light

San Francisco’s Victorian Haas-Lilienthal House

San Francisco’s Victorian Haas-Lilienthal House

The Painted Ladies of San Francisco

The Painted Ladies of San Francisco

San Francisco’s Palace of Fine Arts

San Francisco’s Palace of Fine Arts

San Francisco’s Palace of the Legion of Honor

San Francisco’s Palace of the Legion of Honor

Botticelli’s Art of the Line

Botticelli’s Art of the Line

The Best Christmas Gift a Mother Could Give

The Best Christmas Gift a Mother Could Give

‘Cinderella’: First in a World Ballet Series

‘Cinderella’: First in a World Ballet Series

Guédelon Castle 2023: Celebrating 13th-Century Medieval Crafts

Guédelon Castle 2023: Celebrating 13th-Century Medieval Crafts

Guédelon: New Findings During the Build

Guédelon: New Findings During the Build