10 Wasp & Hornet Sprays to Get Rid of Insects

April 15, 2024
April 15, 2024
10 Wasp & Hornet Sprays to Get Rid of Insects
(Left) Spectracide Pro Wasp & Hornet Killer Spray (Right) Wondercide Wasp and Hornet Killer Aerosol Spray (Illustration by The Epoch Times, Amazon)
Wasps have always been a risk to consider, especially for kids, pets, or anyone allergic to stings. Of course, they play a key role in nature, but sometimes even nature needs to be reminded of your boundaries.
With the market flooded with wasp spray alternatives, it is difficult to compare so many formulas and spray distances. This article breaks down some of the most popular wasp sprays to make the decision easier for you.
Wasp nests can get big quickly. What might start as a few wasps buzzing around can turn into a full-blown problem. Dealing with a large nest is way more hassle than taking action when it’s still small and easier to manage.
Plus, these insects can build their nests in inconvenient spots. This can lead to a pricey repair or even a safety hazard. A can of wasp spray is much cheaper and easier than hiring a repair person! Keep reading to find out the best wasp sprays that you can choose based on your preferences.

Hot Shot Pest Control Wasp Spray

Hot Shot Pest Control Wasp Spray Hot Shot Pest Control Wasp Spray
Nobody appreciates having wasps or hornets buzzing around their house or yard. You want an effective answer, yet the fear of being stung might be a significant barrier. Hot Shot’s Wasp and Hornet Killer solves this issue with an effective formula and an easy-to-use spray application.
This spray is focused on getting the job done efficiently. It’s formulated to take down wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, and a few other bothersome pests on the spot. There’s no need for a close encounter—the powerful jet spray has a reach of up to 27 feet, letting you address a nest without putting yourself in harm’s way.
Hot Shot recognizes that nobody wants to deal with unpleasant chemical stains on their property. That’s why this formula aims to be non-staining for most types of home siding. Of course, as with any new product, it’s always a good idea to test a small, discreet spot on your house before treating a larger area.
The spray is intended for outside application, so you get the best value while avoiding any indoor residue. It is advised to apply the product at nightfall when the stinging insects are beginning to settle down. This reduces the risk of being stung while spraying the nest.
  • Effective control: The product successfully repels wasps, hornets, and other flying pests.
  • Safe distance: The reach of the spray allows you to treat nests without getting too close.
  • Surface-friendly: The formula works well on a variety of outdoor surfaces without staining them.
  • Multiple treatments required: Repeated use may be necessary for large nests or widespread issues.
$11.58 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

Wondercide Wasp and Hornet Killer Aerosol Spray

Wondercide Wasp and Hornet Killer Aerosol Spray Wondercide Wasp and Hornet Killer Aerosol Spray
Nobody likes sharing their outdoor area with annoying wasps or hornets. When it comes to dealing with these pests, you want a method that is quick to work, safe for your family, and effective. Wondercide Wasp & Hornet Spray aims to provide on all of these fronts, and it does that using natural ingredients.
This spray focuses on getting the job done without using harsh chemicals. It uses an arsenal of plant-based essential oils to kill wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets on contact. That’s not all. Wondercide’s spray can also be used to deal with open-faced hives, providing you with more control over the outdoor space.
With a 15-foot jet spray, it provides a reasonable range for safely taking down nests. While not as long as other alternatives, it should suffice for most common backyard hornet scenarios. What truly defines this spray is its focus on using plant-based chemicals, which may make it a more suitable alternative for families with dogs or children who spend time outside.
Wondercide’s dedication to cleaner substances goes beyond the chemicals that repel the wasps; it guarantees no artificial colors or smells. It is a small detail, but it adds to the spray’s overall “natural” quality, which is what Wondercide is going for.
  • Natural power: The Wonderccide wasp spray relies on essential oils for pest control.
  • Family-friendly: The product is designed to be safe for use around pets and children (when used as directed).
  • Hive treatment: It can be used on open-faced hives as well as individual insects.
  • Gentle formula: The wasp spray includes no artificial colors, dyes, or fragrances.
  • Premium price: The focus on natural ingredients comes with a slightly higher price tag.
  • Reach: The spray distance isn’t the longest available.
  • Repeat applications: It might take a few treatments to eliminate heavily infested areas.
$21.99 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

Spectracide Insects, Wasp & Hornet Killer Spray

Spectracide Insects, Wasp & Hornet Killer Spray Spectracide Insects, Wasp & Hornet Killer Spray
Spotting a buzzing hornet’s nest near the outdoor barbecue or beneath the porch overhang is no good news. The idea of a painful sting would ruin the whole point of a backyard gathering: to unwind and relax. Spectracide Wasp and Hornet Killer 3 puts you back in charge of your backyard!
This product comes in a handy twin-pack, so you may handle more than one nest or keep some spray for those ‘just in case’ times.
Spectracide highlights its power to kill not just individual wasps, hornets, and yellowjackets but also scorpions, tent caterpillars, and ants. That type of versatility is useful when dealing with various outdoor pests.
One of the product’s main selling points is its impressive 27-foot range. This extensive reach means you don’t have to get up close to a nest, minimizing your chances of being stung.
Of course, even with that range, Spectracide emphasizes the importance of spraying at sunset when insect activity is low and using smart tactics like standing with the wind at your back for safety.
Spectracide understands the practical concerns many homeowners have. That’s why they highlight the non-staining formula, designed to work well with most home sidings.
As always, they include a cautionary note to test it out in a small area first. It’s a little detail that shows they’re thinking about the ’real-world' use of their product and what matters to the user.
  • Nest elimination: The wasp spray is designed to kill wasps, hornets, and yellowjackets and take out their nests.
  • Long range: The powerful jet spray reaches up to 27 feet for safer treatment.
  • Multiple pests: The product works on a variety of stinging insects, as well as scorpions, ants, and more.
  • Practical formula: The non-staining formula is suitable for many outdoor surfaces.
  • Value pack: The product comes in a convenient twin pack.
  • Best practices: Careful timing and positioning are required for the safest application.
  • Surface testing: It is always recommended to test in a small area to avoid any unexpected staining issues.
  • Repeat applications: It may need multiple treatments for large or stubborn nests.
$6.97 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

Black Flag Foaming Wasp & Hornet Killer Spray

Black Flag Foaming Wasp & Hornet Killer Spray Black Flag Foaming Wasp & Hornet Killer Spray
Nobody likes to share their backyard with dozens of angry wasps or a nearby hornet’s nest. Black Flag Foaming Wasp & Hornet Killer understands this and offers to deliver a solid, targeted answer to these stinging invaders.
This product’s key feature is the “blanketing foam.” It’s designed to cling to the target, taking down wasps, hornets, mud daubers, yellow jackets, and other similar winged menaces on contact. This kind of targeted action can feel reassuring compared to traditional sprays that simply disperse into the air.
While some might want maximum spray distance, Black Flag focuses on its ample 20-foot jet spray. This range still lets you tackle most nests while staying out of harm’s way, a crucial aspect of dealing with these insects safely.
Black Flag highlights its versatility when it comes to the types of pests it’s effective against. It can take on those obvious nuisances like wasps and hornets but also tackle carpenter ants, scorpions, and certain spiders. This all-around pest-fighting ability could prove handy for homeowners dealing with multiple outdoor annoyances.
As always, the manufacturer throws in a few practical notes. For example, they underline that it is an outdoor-use item and that sunset sprayings are better for cutting the risk of stings.
These simple reminders demonstrate that they are not just preoccupied with the spray’s strength but also with how to use it effectively and safely.
  • Targeted action: Blanketing foam clings to insects and nests for thorough elimination.
  • Ample range: A 20-foot jet spray allows for safe-distance treatment.
  • Multi-pest control: This product works against wasps, hornets, certain ants, spiders, and more.
  • Practical formula: This formula is non-staining and leaves no oily residue (with the typical testing disclaimer).
  • Sensible instructions: The product emphasizes smart application timing and safety precautions.
  • Nest focus: This product is designed specifically for nest treatment; it’s not ideal for single insects.
  • Testing required: As with any chemical, it’s wise to test the product on a small surface area first to make sure it doesn’t stain.
$5.48 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

Spectracide Pro Wasp & Hornet Killer Spray

Spectracide Pro Wasp & Hornet Killer Spray Spectracide Pro Wasp & Hornet Killer Spray
Dealing with a hornet’s hive is a high-risk issue! You want an approach that is quick and effective, eliminating the whole colony, not just individual insects. Spectracide Pro Wasp & Hornet Killer tries to meet this demand by pointing out its “fast knockdown” qualities and persisting lingering effects.
This product boasts the ability to eliminate entire nests. That’s the kind of thoroughness you want when ensuring these stinging pests won’t be returning anytime soon. Spectracide Pro also touts that it kills returning wasps and hornets for up to four weeks, providing a sense of lasting protection around treated areas.
Like other powerful sprays, this one has a respectable 20-foot jet spray, ideal for keeping you at a safe distance when tackling a nest. Spectracide Pro includes an interesting specification: the dielectric breakdown voltage. While the average homeowner might not understand what this means, it adds a touch of scientific “authority” to the product’s description.
Of course, safety is the utmost priority. Spectracide Pro clearly points out that it is an outdoor-only product and strongly recommends spraying before dawn or sunset when insect activity is at its lowest.
  • Fast action: This product is designed to“ fast knock down” wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets.
  • Residual protection: This wasp killer continues to work for up to four weeks to deter returning pests.
  • Long range: A 20-foot jet spray keeps you at a safe distance during application.
  • Nest focus: This wasp spray works best on nest-based insects, not solitary pests.
$6.98 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

CRC Wasp & Hornet Killer Spray

CRC Wasp & Hornet Killer Spray CRC Wasp & Hornet Killer Spray
Dealing with wasps and hornet nests can be especially dangerous for workers in the utility and telecommunications fields. These professionals need a reliable, powerful solution that minimizes risk when operating around electrical equipment. CRC Wasp and Hornet Killer plus Insecticide positions itself as exactly that kind of specialized tool.
This spray is all about efficiency. Its dense, precise spray reaches more than 20 feet, allowing people to work away from potential dangers. CRC also highlights the insecticide’s fast-acting formula and ability to “kill on contact,” meaning it’s helpful in a high-stakes situation.
The manufacturer’s commitment to safety goes beyond the spray’s efficacy. They emphasize the product’s high dielectric strength and compatibility with most polymers. These specifics address specific demands as well as potential concerns for experts who work with various types of equipment and setups.
CRC even incorporates a clever feature into the product design: an extension tube that acts as a locking mechanism for the trigger. This reduces unintentional spraying and increases safety, especially when working in crowded areas.
  • Utility-focused: This spray is designed for use by power, telecom, and industrial workers.
  • Powerful and precise: It features a long-range spray and fast-acting formula and is safe on most plastics.
  • High safety standard: The spray offers high dielectric strength for use around electrical equipment.
  • Practical design: Its extension tube doubles as a safety lock for the spray trigger.
  • Specialized applications: The spray is suitable for challenging work environments.
  • High price: This specialized product comes with a premium cost.
  • Niche use: It’s likely overkill for the average homeowner’s wasp problems.
$122.32 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

Raid Wasp Hornet Killer Spray

Raid Wasp Hornet Killer Spray Raid Wasp Hornet Killer Spray
When it comes to stinging pests, you don’t want to play around! Raid Wasp & Hornet Killer 33 boasts both immediate action and a lingering “keep away” effect that gives you some breathing room after dealing with a nest.
This product isn’t messing around when it promises to take down paper wasps, yellow jackets, mud daubers, bees, and even intimidating bald-faced hornets. The emphasis on “kills in seconds” makes it clear that Raid isn’t in the business of half-measures.
For most people, dealing with a wasp nest up close sounds like a nightmare. That’s why Raid stresses its 22-foot range, letting you tackle the problem from a safe and comfortable distance.
They throw in additional reassurance by mentioning that it even kills the larvae and pupae inside the nest, eliminating the threat at its source.
What really sets this product apart is that it comes in a multi-pack of three. This kind of bulk purchase is not only economical but also ensures you have a supply on hand. It speaks to the reality that most homeowners aren’t dealing with a single nest but rather a persistent summertime problem.
  • Potent formula: This spray is designed for fast-acting results against multiple wasp and hornet types.
  • Nest elimination: The spray kills adult insects, larvae, and pupae.
  • Residual protection: It deters returning insects from the treated area.
  • Long range: A 22-foot spray allows for safer nest treatment from a distance.
  • Value pack: A convenient 3-pack offers a practical supply at a good price.
  • Aggressive: This spray may not be the best choice for those seeking a gentler approach.
  • Broad spectrum: It doesn’t differentiate between ‘bad’ wasps and beneficial pollinators like bees.
  • Safety precautions: As with any powerful insecticide, careful use is crucial.
$22.99 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

Ortho Home Defense Hornet & Wasp Killer Spray

Ortho Home Defense Hornet & Wasp Killer Spray Ortho Home Defense Hornet & Wasp Killer Spray
Sometimes simply eliminating a nest with chemicals isn’t enough. Ortho Home Defense Hornet & Wasp Killer 7 uses entrapping foam in an original way. This action-packed spray is designed to quickly disable those stinging insects, preventing them from escaping or retaliating.
Of course, remaining at a safe distance is a necessity. That’s why Ortho points out the 20-foot jet spray, a common but useful feature for anybody concerned about getting dangerously close to a colony.
Focusing on pinpoint accuracy promotes precise control, making it excellent for treating nests in difficult-to-reach places around the house. Like many similar brands, Ortho claims its spray eliminates various bugs, including insects that may return to the nest later.
  • Entrapping action: The foam traps wasps and hornets for a rapid knockdown.
  • Targeted application: It offers pinpoint accuracy for reaching nests in tight spots.
  • Long range: A 20-foot spray allows for safe-distance treatment.
  • Residual protection: The product continues to kill wasps and hornets returning to the treated nest.
  • Value price: This is an affordable option for tackling wasp problems.
  • Foam mechanics: The foam-based action may not be as visually satisfying as a simple spray.
  • Broad spectrum: It doesn’t differentiate between ‘bad’ wasps and beneficial pollinators.
  • Safety precautions: As with any powerful insecticide, careful use is crucial.
$5.99 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

Bonide Hornet and Wasp Killer Spray

BONIDE Hornet and Wasp Killer Spray Bonide Hornet and Wasp Killer Spray
Summertime brings many joys, but having wasps and hornets buzzing around your home is not one of them. Bonide Products Aerosol Hornet and Wasp Killer targets a wide range of bothersome and sometimes harmful insects, making it an excellent option for insect control in your home.
This product emphasizes that it goes beyond just killing the insects you see—it’s designed to eliminate the nests, too. Nest elimination helps tackle the problem at its root, which is essential for lasting protection against stinging insects.
BONIDE positions its spray as equally effective for outdoor and certain indoor uses. That versatility, from targeting nests under your eaves to problem areas in the attic, makes it a practical choice for homeowners dealing with infestations in multiple locations.
Like other powerful sprays, this one boasts a 20-foot jet spray, letting you stay safe while treating nests. Bonide also highlights the water-based formula, which helps address homeowners’ concerns about staining their house’s siding or roof. The “smothering” foam action is another unique selling point, providing a visual confirmation that the spray is working as intended.
  • Broad spectrum: This product is effective against wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, scorpions, ants, and more.
  • Nest elimination: It tackles the source of the problem for lasting results.
  • Multiple uses: The product is suitable for both indoor and outdoor problem areas.
  • Safety conscious: It features a long-range spray and water-based formula for minimizing risk.
  • Smothering action: The foam provides visual confirmation of effective nest treatment.
  • Pest specific: It’s important to read the label carefully to ensure effectiveness against your target insect.
  • Staining disclaimer: Like many products, it’s still wise to test a small area if you’re concerned about staining.
$14.99 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

Wasp Spray Reviews

Sometimes the best way to understand a product is to see how it works for others. Let’s explore what everyday users have to say about various wasp sprays, from their favorite features to potential drawbacks.

Hot Shot Pest Control Wasp Spray

People seem to love how far Hot Shot wasp spray shoots. You can blast those hard-to-reach nests without getting too close to the action! It takes out wasps fast, which is exactly what you want. Plus, many folks say it doesn’t leave much of a mess compared to some other sprays.
On the other hand, several reviews have mentioned that the nozzle occasionally becomes blocked, which can be quite annoying. The chemical odor is also rather strong and is said to linger for some time. And, although Hot Shot will eliminate the wasps you see, it may not prevent them from returning later.

Wondercide Wasp and Hornet Killer Aerosol Spray

Many users like Wondercide because of its organic, plant-based formula. It appeals to those who have children or pets or just want a gentler pest management method. The knockdown power has received inconsistent reviews, with some saying it works effectively and others claiming it may take many applications to eradicate a nest completely. However, the non-staining properties and absence of a strong chemical odor are constantly highly appreciated.
However, many consumers are concerned about the pricing. Wondercide is considerably more costly than regular wasp sprays. Also, some believe that the spray distance is not enough, forcing the user to get too close to the nest.

Spectracide Insects, Wasp & Hornet Killer Spray

People seem to love Spectracide due to its low price and ease of use. Users like the price tag and the fact that it delivers consistent knockout power. The spray’s great range is another appraisal point. It has helped them deal with hives without getting too close. Many customers were pleased with how effective it is in preventing wasps from building nests in the same spot.
However, some reviewers describe the chemical odor as rather unpleasant. There’s also the typical issue of possible stains, with some suggesting trying it in a concealed location first. Finally, although it works well against wasps, some reviews caution that it may not be as effective against bigger, more aggressive hornets.

Black Flag Foaming Wasp & Hornet Killer Spray

Black Flag’s big selling point is its unique foaming action. Many reviewers find it satisfying to see the spray cling to the nest and target those wasps directly. It offers a decent spray distance, keeping you at a safe distance, and its budget-friendly price is another advantage.
However, the foam can get messy, and a few customers have shared leakage concerns. It may not be the best option if you want an immediate knockout since the foam takes a while to work. It also has a strong chemical odor, which some find unpleasant.

Spectracide Pro Wasp & Hornet Killer Spray

Spectracide Pro seems to appeal to folks who want a powerful, no-nonsense solution. Reviewers frequently mention its fast knockdown capabilities, which can take out wasps with impressive speed.
The long spray distance is definitely a plus, especially when dealing with larger nests. There seems to be a general sense that this spray packs a serious punch for tackling tough infestations.
On the flip side, it comes with the usual strong chemical smell that many wasp sprays have. Some users warn that it’s overkill for tackling the occasional wasp and might be better suited for heavier infestations or for those with specific concerns about powerful stinging insects.

CRC Wasp & Hornet Killer Spray

CRC is reported as a niche product. It is made for professionals who must deal with wasps around electrical equipment. Reviews focus on its safety features, like being non-conductive and safe for plastics.
Its powerful knockdown gets praise, too, with many saying it gets the job done efficiently. The spray’s long reach is another plus for working in potentially tricky environments.
Of course, this isn’t your average homeowner’s wasp spray! The price point is high, reflecting its specialized nature. Many reviewers confirm that it probably isn’t necessary unless you’re facing the exact situations it’s designed for.

Raid Wasp Hornet Killer Spray

Many people like Raid’s well-known brand name and reputation. Reviewers often talk about how long-reaching and long-lasting the spray is. Another advantage is its quick knockout capability, with many users noting that it gets rid of wasps quickly and effectively. Some people find the comfort grip useful, particularly during extended use.
However, there is a frequent concern about overspray. Reviewers caution that the forceful jet stream may be hard to control, causing unintentional harm to nearby plants or objects. Also, while Raid kills wasps on contact, some users report that it may not be as efficient in stopping them from rebuilding nests in the same place.

Ortho Home Defense Hornet & Wasp Killer Spray

Ortho Home Defense seems to appeal to users who appreciate targeted action and convenience. The foaming spray gets praise for clinging to nests and visibly showing where it’s been applied. The pinpoint accuracy and long reach are also big pluses, especially for treating nests in awkward spots. Many find the value pack a good deal, ensuring they have enough on hand for sudden wasp problems.
However, that foaming action isn’t for everyone. Some find it less visually satisfying than a traditional spray. The odor gets mixed reviews; some find it less harsh than other brands, while others still dislike the chemical smell. Additionally, while it tackles individual wasps, some users warn it might not be the top choice for larger, well-established nests.

Bonide Hornet and Wasp Killer Spray

Bonide appeals to those who want a flexible and efficient wasp spray. Reviewers praise its efficiency against different kinds of pests, not simply wasps and hornets. The water-based formula is commended for being less abrasive and reducing staining issues. Many people love the long spray reach. It makes the user feel safe while facing wasp nests.
On the negative side, some reviewers found the aroma unpleasant, especially for a wasp spray. While this product focuses on efficacy against a wide variety of insects, it may be less successful against very stubborn wasp or hornet colonies than more specialized sprays.

Pest Control Industry: Inside the Nest

The world of wasp sprays represents a fascinating corner of the larger pest control industry. At first glance, it might seem like a simple product category, but a closer look reveals a surprisingly dynamic landscape fueled by consumer needs, scientific advancements, and even shifting environmental concerns.
One interesting fact is that the wasp spray market isn’t just about individual homeowners tackling backyard nests; it serves large sectors like the utility, agriculture, and telecommunications industries, where nests built on crucial equipment can pose costly problems and safety hazards.
Historically, wasp sprays relied heavily on broad-spectrum, highly toxic chemicals. While effective, these older formulas sparked growing concerns about their impact on beneficial insects and the environment as a whole.
This led to a push for more targeted pest control solutions, as well as a rise in interest in gentler formulas using plant-based essential oils instead of harsh synthetic chemicals. This shift in consumer consciousness has forced the industry to adapt and offer a wider variety of products catering to different levels of environmental concern.
While many wasp sprays focus on fast knockdown power, others emphasize residual action to deter insects from returning to a treated area. This variety in approach shows the importance of understanding your specific pest problem, whether it’s a single, active nest or a more persistent pattern of recurring wasps in a specific location.
Beyond the type of formula, the application method also plays a big role. Some products offer a classic spray, while others feature specialized foaming action or even unique delivery systems designed for long-distance precision treatment.
The packaging of wasp sprays deserves attention too. While standard aerosol cans are common, some formulas come in concentrate bottles meant to be diluted and used with spray equipment.
This difference caters to varying needs, from occasional pest control tasks around a small house to large-scale applications on commercial properties. Additionally, the rising awareness of packaging waste is starting to have an impact on the industry, with some manufacturers exploring more refillable or recyclable options.
It’s important to acknowledge that wasp sprays are just one piece of the pest management puzzle. They offer a powerful tool when a nest needs to go, but a holistic approach often involves preventative measures as well.
Identifying and sealing entry points for wasps, removing potential food sources around your property, and even planting naturally-repellent herbs or flowers can play a valuable role in discouraging these stinging pests in the first place.

How Long Is Wasp Spray Effective?

A number of factors affect a wasp spray’s effectiveness. Products developed for instant knockdown generally kill wasps and hornets on contact, but their effectiveness wears off fast. This sort of spray is best used to target individual insects or an active nest. However, many wasp sprays also offer some degree of residual effectiveness.
This means they continue to be lethal to insects that come into contact with the treated area for a period of time, sometimes for a few days and occasionally even weeks. This lingering effect is great for dealing with insect colonies and preventing future wasps and hornets from inhabiting the same place.
Aside from the type of formula, environmental factors play a key role in how long a spray is effective. Extreme conditions, such as heavy rain, intense sunlight, and even wind, may affect chemicals over time, reducing their efficiency. This is why some suggest you respray the nest after bad weather or at regular intervals to be sure.

What Do Professional Wasp Killers Use?

Pest control experts generally have access to more effective, specialized products than their typical customers. Some of them may include extremely efficient, quick-to-work insecticides, but they also require you to follow harsh safety measures. These products may even be restricted in some locations. Additionally, experts may use dusting pesticides that spread through the nest structure for longer-lasting control. It’s another instance that is typically not ideal for the average homeowner.
Beyond chemical treatments, trained exterminators often resort to specialized tools. In addition to the simple spray can, the exterminator’s inventory includes telescoping poles for spraying high-up nests, safety clothing, and even vacuums that effectively remove nest remnants. Professional expertise and experience are also critical factors to consider. Pest management professionals have an acquired knack for detecting wasp species, spotting nest entrances, and picking the most effective approach for every case.

How Do You Spray Wasps?

Spraying wasps efficiently calls for a combination of caution and smart execution. First and foremost, pick the right hour. Wasps and hornets are substantially less active in the dark or early morning. So, it makes the most sense to spray their nest at those times.
Next, put on safety gear. Even with a long-range spray, wearing gloves, long sleeves, and some facial protection can help prevent painful accidents. Always find the nest and its entrance before spraying; it might be hidden in an unexpected spot.
When approaching the nest, stay in line with the wind’s direction. This helps keep the spray from floating back at you. Go for the nest’s entry point and spray steadily and continuously to make sure you cover the whole hive.
If feasible, approach from a downward angle to reach the nest’s interior. Most wasp sprays cover a decent range, so you don’t have to be right on top of the nest to do it properly. Always be on the lookout for disturbed wasps coming from the nest, and get away if needed.
Once you’ve finished spraying the nest, it’s wise to vacate the area for at least 24 hours. This gives the product time to work and the remaining wasps time to die off or abandon the nest. When it’s safe to do so, carefully knock down the treated nest and dispose of it properly.

What Is the Best Repellent for Wasps?

While removing a nest is important, preventing new hives from growing is the best situation. Many repellents on the market use substances that wasps tend to avoid by using strong fragrances like peppermint oil, clove oil, and specific plant mixes.
These sprays are meant to be sprayed on possible nesting spots such as eaves, window frames, and porch railings so that wasps avoid that area.
Homemade repellents are also an option. Mixing dish soap and water and spraying areas where you’ve spotted wasp activity can sometimes act as a basic deterrent. However, DIY methods might need continual treatment to work.
Interesting fact: there’s also a visual repellent tactic. Wasps are territorial and could be hesitant to build a nest next to another hive, so you can put a fake nest in a noticeable area of your land.
It’s important to remember that repellents are a preventative measure, not a foolproof solution. If wasps have already decided to build a nest in a particular spot, repellents may not do much. Plus, different wasp species could respond to scents differently.

Can I Use Wasp Spray Indoors?

It depends entirely on the specific product. Most wasp and hornet sprays are designed strictly for outdoor use. The chemicals can be powerful and leave a lingering residue that you don’t want inside your home.
However, some products might specify that they’re suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications. Always, always, check the label carefully for these usage instructions. If you’re dealing with a wasp problem in your attic or similar enclosed space, it might be worth reading up on those specialized sprays to see if they’re appropriate.
But for general indoor use? You’re much better off with a fly swatter or a vacuum to deal with the occasional single wasp that somehow sneaked inside.

Why Is Wasp Spray Not Killing Wasps?

There are a few frustrating scenarios when it comes to wasp spray. Sometimes, it seems like those pesky insects just shake it off and keep buzzing! If this is happening, it could be that you’re not achieving full nest saturation.
Many nests have hidden internal chambers, so just blasting the outside surface might not do the trick. Make sure you target the nest’s entry point as directly as possible to really soak the interior.
Another possibility is that the spray you’re using is designed for immediate knockdown but lacks residual action. In that case, it might kill the wasps directly sprayed but leave the nest’s core intact.
If you’re dealing with a large nest or one that seems stubbornly resistant, it might be time to try a product that emphasizes longer-lasting effectiveness. Of course, sometimes it’s a matter of time. Some insecticides take a bit longer to work their way through a wasp’s system.
A sprayed wasp might look lively at first, only to succumb later on. That being said, if you’ve soaked a nest thoroughly and you’re still seeing tons of active wasps after a day, it’s time to reassess your strategy. Maybe you need to try a different spray, or if the problem is truly out of control, consider calling in a professional for some extra firepower.

Is It Better To Spray or Powder for Wasps?

Sprays and powders have their uses in the world of wasp control. Sprays are the most commonly used solution for a reason. They provide targeted treatment, particularly those with far-reaching pumps that may eliminate colonies from a safe distance.
Many sprays offer quick knockout power, which is helpful for dealing with swarming pests on your property. However, certain sprays lose their efficacy with time, particularly if the nest is open to the outdoors.
Dust or powder pesticides may be good for this situation. When correctly applied, powders stick to surfaces and go through gaps and holes in the nest. They provide a longer-lasting lingering effect, killing wasps as they go around the hive.
Powders are good for removing difficult-to-reach nests, such as those found inside walls or hidden cavities. However, applying dusts properly is harder than using a simple spray. It can get messy if not done correctly.
In the end, there is no all-in-one winner. It is all about what fits your situation. If you are dealing with an open nest that you can spray directly, a targeted spray is the right choice. But if the problem is a concealed colony or one that is constantly producing new wasps, a long-lasting pesticide powder could be your best option.

Does Mosquito Spray Work on Wasps?

While it would be nice if a single insect spray could control all your outdoor pest problems, this is rarely the case. Most mosquito sprays include elements intended only for mosquitoes and have virtually no effect on wasps or hornets.
Chemicals that kill a fragile mosquito may not be effective against stronger-stinging insects. Additionally, certain mosquito repellents rely on scent-based deterrents, which don’t work on wasps.
If you must deal with both mosquitos and wasps, pick a product that explicitly mentions wasps, hornets, and other pests on the label. This guarantees that the formula you use is effective against these insects.
Of course, there may be some overlap in efficacy, but to be safe, use products that directly name your target pest.


Dealing with a swarm of aggressive wasps or a looming hornet’s hive is hardly the way to spend time in your backyard. When these pests build a nest around your house, you need an answer that works decisively, is safe to use, and effectively eliminates the issue. After reviewing a range of wasp sprays, two choices stand out, each with a unique approach to your annoying problem.
Wondercide Wasp & Hornet Spray tackles the issue of harsh chemicals head-on. Instead of relying on the usual strong synthetic ingredients, Wondercide uses a blend of plant-based essential oils to take down those stinging pests on contact.
This makes it a potentially more appealing option for families with pets, curious kids, or anyone who prefers a gentler pest control approach. The lack of artificial colors or fragrances is a nice bonus that contributes to its overall “natural” feel.
On the other side of the spectrum is Hot Shot Wasp & Hornet Killer. This is all about getting the job done with maximum efficiency. It packs a potent formula designed for fast knockdown of wasps, hornets, and those pesky yellowjackets.
Hot Shot boasts an impressive 27-foot jet spray, letting you blast those nests from a safe distance and minimize your chances of getting stung. Hot Shot understands that nobody wants to deal with nasty chemical stains after getting rid of a wasp nest.
That’s why they’ve made their formula with non-staining properties. As always, a disclaimer about testing it in a small spot is included, but it shows the company is considering how people actually use their product. While not as focused on natural ingredients, Hot Shot takes responsible use seriously by emphasizing the importance of spraying at dusk when those stinging insects are less active.


Is wasp spray safe for pets?
Most wasp sprays are not safe to use around pets. It’s crucial to read the label carefully for warnings and specific instructions. Always keep your pets away from the treated area until the spray fully dries.
What is the difference between wasp and bee spray?
Many products are effective against both wasps and bees. However, some are particularly made to kill hornets and yellowjackets. If you’re concerned about harming helpful pollinators, search for a product with a low impact on bees.
Can I create my own wasp spray?
While DIY wasp spray formulas exist, they are usually not as effective and need multiple sprays. A commercial wasp spray is typically the best alternative for quick, reliable results and safety.
Does wasp spray expire?
Yes, wasp sprays have an expiration date. Expired products are mostly not effective and is better to be replaced
What time of day is best to use wasp spray?
Always aim to spray nests at dusk or dawn. Wasps are less active during these times, reducing your risk of being stung.
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