Never Forgotten: In Some Places, Memorial Day Is Every Day

Never Forgotten: In Some Places, Memorial Day Is Every Day

“Memorial Day is when you’re actually mourning the people who died trying to save this country,” a veteran said.
It’s Not Magic, It’s Love: One Teacher’s Formula for Student Success

It’s Not Magic, It’s Love: One Teacher’s Formula for Student Success

Rebecca Huffman has a passion for geography, but she also brings joy and love to her classroom.
Three Lessons From the Sunshine State

Three Lessons From the Sunshine State

There are some things that a country—and its people—need to thrive.
The Biggest Money-Wasting Mistake Beginner Preppers Make

The Biggest Money-Wasting Mistake Beginner Preppers Make

A frugal prepper shares how to prepare your family for emergencies without spending a fortune.
10 Months, 45 States, a Second Chance: How a Couple Fought for Their Marriage and Found Home

10 Months, 45 States, a Second Chance: How a Couple Fought for Their Marriage and Found Home

Ben and Meg Hollar, of the popular YouTube channel The Hollar Homestead, built a new life for their family on a fixer-upper North Carolina homestead.


Tracking Habits for Continuous Improvement

Tracking Habits for Continuous Improvement

Set small, doable, and specific goals for yourself and you'll be surprised at how much you can grow.
Life Reset: Slow and Steady

Life Reset: Slow and Steady

Always rushing about can be counterproductive.
When in Doubt, Change Things Up

When in Doubt, Change Things Up

Sometimes a change of scenery is just what you need to refresh the mind and start anew.
Never Forgotten: In Some Places, Memorial Day Is Every Day

Never Forgotten: In Some Places, Memorial Day Is Every Day

“Memorial Day is when you’re actually mourning the people who died trying to save this country,” a veteran said.
When Mom Is Sick

When Mom Is Sick

Mom takes care of everyone, but everyone can take care of Mom, too.
For Father’s Day—Give Experiences, Not Things

For Father’s Day—Give Experiences, Not Things

Instead of the generic tie or gadget, give Dad the gift of a new cherished memory.
Summer Organization: Parent Prep

Summer Organization: Parent Prep

Here are 7 suggestions to prevent summer vacation from getting too hectic.
Summer Parenting: 5 Tips for Maintaining Rhythms and Routines

Summer Parenting: 5 Tips for Maintaining Rhythms and Routines

You can set up a structure that promotes harmony without sacrificing any of the freedom.
Former Secret Service Agent: 6 Ways You Can Teach Kids to Avoid Danger

Former Secret Service Agent: 6 Ways You Can Teach Kids to Avoid Danger

Evy Poumpouras offers practical guidance from screens to sleepovers, as well as advice to nurture a resilient mindset.
The Wisdom of a Sabbath Day

The Wisdom of a Sabbath Day

Here are 6 ways you can spend a day of rest to benefit both you and your family each week.