South Australia to Outlaw Nazi Symbols and Salutes

‘This sort of hatred and division has no place in South Australia.’
South Australia to Outlaw Nazi Symbols and Salutes
Members of the Australian Jewish community wave Israeli flags during a vigil in Sydney, Australia, on Oct. 11, 2023. (David Gray/AFP via Getty Images)

South Australia will soon make it illegal to display Nazi symbols and gestures in public in light of an increase in anti-Semitism and “extremist” behaviour in the country.

People caught performing the Nazi salute or exhibiting swastikas in public would be subject to fines of up to A$20,000 (US$13,232) or a year in prison, according to South Australia Attorney-General Kyam Maher.

Mr. Maher said the bill would impose tough penalties on those seeking to promote “this abhorrent ideology” and grant the police the powers to remove the prohibited symbols.

He argued the move would foster a safe and inclusive environment for the Jewish community in the state amid a rise in “extremist, hateful behaviour” around Australia.

“The very rich diversity and cohesion of our multicultural society in South Australia is one of our greatest strengths, but we need to be careful and vigilant to protect that,” Mr. Maher told reporters on Nov. 29.

“This sort of hatred and division has no place in South Australia.”

He also hoped that the new law would protect multicultural and ethnic groups from religious discrimination and racist behaviour.

Meanwhile, Greg Adams, chair of the Adelaide Holocaust Museum, said staff had been worried about safety after experiencing several anti-Semitism incidents, including some people displaying Nazi gestures outside the building.

He described anti-Semitism as “a real threat,” saying that staff were “feeling it on the ground.”

According to data collected by the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, anti-Semitism incidents in Australia have risen by 591 percent this year.

Meanwhile, a new survey (pdf) carried out in over 33 Australian universities revealed that 57 percent of Jewish students reported hiding their Jewish identity at school, while 64 percent of students reported having experienced at least one anti-Semitic experience at their universities.

The survey, commissioned by the Zionist Federation of Australia, showed an overwhelming majority (85 percent) of anti-Semitic incidents go under the radar as students did not believe the institutions would address the incidents seriously.

Holocaust survivor Andrew Steiner applauded the new legislation, saying there are “unfortunate, concerning cracks” that have appeared in Australia

“We are an extraordinarily successful multicultural, homogeneous society,” he said in Adelaide on Nov. 29, reported.

Currently, Northern Territory and Western Australia are the last states yet to introduce some form of ban on Nazi gestures and symbols.

Federal Government Outlaw Nazi Symbols

The announcement came as the federal government passed laws banning the Nazi salute in the Lower House with bipartisan support.

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said the amendments, which were made under the counter-terrorism laws, helped to draw a line in the sand on glorifying hatred.

“The amendments will ensure that no one will be allowed to glorify or profit from acts and symbols which celebrate the Nazis and their evil ideology,” he said.

“There is absolutely no place in Australia for hatred, violence and anti-Semitism.”

The legislation initially included a ban on the Islamic State flag but was later removed.

Other swastikas used by other religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism will not be subject to the ban.

Co-chief executive of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry Peter Wertheim backed the laws.

“A ban on the public display of the symbols of any proscribed terrorist organisation is also timely, as is the ban on trading in goods bearing Nazi and other prohibited symbols,” he said.

“Only time will tell how these matters will impact the effectiveness of the legislation but overall the bill is a major step forward.”

AAP contributed to this report.

Nina Nguyen is a reporter based in Sydney. She covers Australian news with a focus on social, cultural, and identity issues. She is fluent in Vietnamese. Contact her at [email protected].
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