OMAHA, Neb.—Mary Ann Borgeson, a chairwoman of the Douglas County Board of Commissioners, thoroughly enjoyed Shen Yun’s evening performance at the Orpheum Theater on April 4.
“It was beautiful! Honest to goodness, it was so expressive—so beautiful in all of the movements and music,” she exclaimed.
“It really does warm your heart watching all of the [programs.]”
“You can really truly feel [the] people—their beauty, their calmness, their peace, their embracing of each other—I just think it was so well done. [The words] ‘so beautiful’ just keeps coming to mind for me.”It was difficult for Ms. Borgeson to pick out which aspect of Shen Yun impressed her most because all the individual elements came together as a whole.
This mission resonated deeply with Ms. Borgeson, and she thought Shen Yun should “spread more of that love, calmness, peace, and kindness—that’s what we need more of.”
Though many of these values are now scarce in China, Ms. Borgeson felt touched that Shen Yun is “bringing them to us and showing us that beauty.”
“We are so divided in the world today with the ugliness and the hatred that we feel,” she added.
“[Shen Yun] is bringing us back to our hearts, our love, our peace, and our [desire] to be the beings that we were supposed to be—true beings—bringing peace and love and joy and kindness. This was what I gathered and felt while watching the performance.”