Of Course Emily Oster Wants Amnesty

Of Course Emily Oster Wants Amnesty
A nurse administers a pediatric dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to a girl at a L.A. Care Health Plan vaccination clinic at Los Angeles Mission College in Los Angeles, Calif., on Jan. 19, 2022. (Robyn Beck/AFP via Getty Images)
Steven W. Mosher

Emily Oster has a lot of nerve.

The Brown University professor has just published an article, called “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty”, in which she argues “we need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID.”
The trouble with her suggestion is that, despite the fact that we are no longer “in the dark about COVID,” the pandemic fascism continues in many states.
  • Despite falling case rates, ten states still have a COVID-19 Public Health Emergency in place. This includes California, whose politically ambitious governor, Gavin Newsom, has announced that he is keeping his emergency powers until February 2023.
The national COVID-19 State of Emergency remains operative as well, even though the guy supposedly in charge, Joe Biden, has told us the pandemic is over. This means that any one of these states, or the entire country, could pivot back to lockdowns tomorrow.
  • Even though children are at virtually zero risk from COVID, a CDC advisory committee just recommended the shot be a required childhood immunization. As the CDC knows (but pretends not to know), this will lead many states, school districts, and sports leagues to make the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory. Those who hesitate to comply will find themselves on the outside looking in.
  • Ignoring evidence that masks don’t work, many schools and hospitals, even private ones, still require them. The entire VA system—the largest health care system in the U.S.—still insists on masking all patients and employees.
And if you thought that politicians themselves had given up their fear-mongering about masks, you need only to listen to Charlie Crist, the Democrat nominee for governor of Florida. At campaign stops Crist is bragging that, even though it is no longer required, he is still masking up on planes. And everyone in Florida will have to as well, he promises, if “the science” dictates it after he is elected.
  • Though widely denounced, especially by those who have natural or acquired immunity, vaccine mandates still abound. Most of our elite universities are doggedly insisting that their students take booster after booster, threatening the noncompliant with expulsion. School districts, too, continue to send unvaccinated teachers packing.
While the federal vaccination mandate is on hold thanks to the 5th Circuit, it’s anyone’s guess where the U.S. Supreme Court will come down. In New York City, the mayor has yet to take action on the state’s Supreme Court recent order to reinstate unvaccinated officers.
  • Other forms of discrimination against the unvaccinated are still being practiced as well. For example, in many hospital systems the unvaxed cannot receive an organ donation and are taken off the list of those waiting.
  • Doctors who prescribe alternative treatments for COVID, or who question the safety of masks or the efficacy of vaccines are still having their medical licenses suspended or revoked, despite overwhelming evidence that these do not stop infection or transmission. Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the top cardiologists in the United States, has just been decertified in his specialty for daring to talk about the post-jab problem of myocarditis, even though the CDC itself has acknowledged that this is occurring.
So you see, Emily, we can’t just move on—as much as you and your woke friends would like us to—because it’s really not over. It won’t be over until the masks and mandates are only a painful memory, and until COVID-19 Public Health Emergencies—so beloved of power-hungry politicians—come to a definitive end.

I may one day forgive the thug who robbed me, but not while he is still holding a gun to my head.

By the way, Emily, you picked an interesting time to call for amnesty. Could it be that you and others who turned parts of America into a living hell over the past three years have noticed we have an election coming up?

Certainly, some of the pandemicists who are running for re-election would like us to forgive and forget what they did to us. Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer is clearly counting on the voters not remembering her mad COVID-19 policies. Why else would she claim in her debate with her Republican opponent, Tudor Dixon, that she only closed down the schools for three months, when the closures actually lasted for two long years?

I hope that voters in Michigan vote with the same intensity that Whitmer enforced the lockdowns. In fact, I hope that politicians across the United States who implemented COVID-19 policies that harmed children or the elderly or targeted the unvaccinated for discrimination face the voters’ wrath.

None of them should ever hold elective office again.

First, we vote out of office every governor, senator, and congressman, every city councilman, county commissioner, and school board member who imposed or supported the COVID-19 insanity.

Then, and only then, can we begin the healing—and the hearings.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Steven W. Mosher is the president of the Population Research Institute and the author of “Bully of Asia: Why China’s Dream is the New Threat to World Order.” A former National Science Foundation fellow, he studied human biology at Stanford University under famed geneticist Luigi Cavalli-Sforza. He holds advanced degrees in Biological Oceanography, East Asian Studies, and Cultural Anthropology. One of America’s leading China watchers, he was selected in 1979 by the National Science Foundation to be the first American social scientist to do field research in China.
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