
government shutdown

Still No Deal to Avert Shutdown as Deadline Approaches

Still No Deal to Avert Shutdown as Deadline Approaches

Biden, Israeli Prime Minister Speak After One-Month Silence Amid Israel–Hamas War | Capitol Report

Biden, Israeli Prime Minister Speak After One-Month Silence Amid Israel–Hamas War | Capitol Report

House Passes Spending Package to Stave Off Shutdown

House Passes Spending Package to Stave Off Shutdown

Congressional Leaders Strike Deal to Avert Shutdown

Congressional Leaders Strike Deal to Avert Shutdown

Speaker Johnson, Sen. McConnell Meet Biden at White House to Discuss Looming Government Shutdown | Capitol Report

Speaker Johnson, Sen. McConnell Meet Biden at White House to Discuss Looming Government Shutdown | Capitol Report

Speaker Johnson: ‘Very Optimistic’ That Congress Can Prevent Government Shutdown

Speaker Johnson: ‘Very Optimistic’ That Congress Can Prevent Government Shutdown

McConnell Says GOP Won’t Allow Government Shut Down

McConnell Says GOP Won’t Allow Government Shut Down

Schumer, Johnson Unveil Another Stopgap Funding Bill to Avert Government Shutdown

Schumer, Johnson Unveil Another Stopgap Funding Bill to Avert Government Shutdown

IRS Funding to Be Cut Faster Thanks to GOP Pressure in Spending Deal Talks: Speaker Johnson

IRS Funding to Be Cut Faster Thanks to GOP Pressure in Spending Deal Talks: Speaker Johnson

Some Republicans Threaten to Vote Against Government Funding Over Border Crisis

Some Republicans Threaten to Vote Against Government Funding Over Border Crisis

Congress Leaders Reach $1.59 Trillion Deal on Spending Levels in Bid to Avert Government Shutdown

Congress Leaders Reach $1.59 Trillion Deal on Spending Levels in Bid to Avert Government Shutdown

Speaker Mike Johnson Unveils Plan to Avert Government Shutdown

Speaker Mike Johnson Unveils Plan to Avert Government Shutdown