

Ukraine Pleads for Australia to Provide Coal Ahead of Winter

Ukraine Pleads for Australia to Provide Coal Ahead of Winter
May 27

Queensland Premier Doles out Coal-Funded $1,000 for Energy Bills

Queensland Premier Doles out Coal-Funded $1,000 for Energy Bills
May 01

In Central Asia’s Brutal Winter, Fossil Fuels Trump Climate Politics

In Central Asia’s Brutal Winter, Fossil Fuels Trump Climate Politics
Feb 09

Australia Urged to Provide Coal to Ukraine

Australia Urged to Provide Coal to Ukraine
Jan 02

US Joins New Climate Pact to Shut Down All Coal Plants

US Joins New Climate Pact to Shut Down All Coal Plants
Dec 02

26 Dead From Fire in China Coal Company Office

26 Dead From Fire in China Coal Company Office
Nov 17
AEMO Says Renewables Will Force Energy Prices to ‘Historic Lows’
Oct 22

Falling Coal Prices Set to Cost Australian Economy $58 Billion

Falling Coal Prices Set to Cost Australian Economy $58 Billion
Oct 03