Top 6 Moscatos to Rock the National Moscato Day

May 02, 2024
May 02, 2024
Top 6 Moscatos to Rock the National Moscato Day
(Left) Barefoot Wine & Bubbly Cellars Peach Moscato (Right) Bartenura Kosher Moscato (Illustration by The Epoch Times, Amazon)
Are you set to jump into the fun world of Moscatos? National Moscato Day is near, and it’s the best time to pop open the sweet taste of this loved drink. So, let’s lift our cups to the fruity, lemon-like hints that play on our tongues and find out why Moscato wine has won over our hearts and wine stores.
Moscato, that sweet drink from the lovely hills of Piedmont, Italy, has a past as full as its taste. Made from the Moscato Bianco grape, it’s one of Italy’s most venerable sweet wines and cherished by many.
Join us as we explore a selection of bottles that capture the lush, authentic taste of traditional Moscato.
The Breakdown:

Why Are Moscatos So Popular?

Moscato is well-known for being sweet to taste. It has lots of tastes, from peach to orange flower, plus some mandarin and honey-flower hints. Moscato is much like a mix of fruit in your cup.
This sweet taste isn’t just by chance; it’s a finely made mix that plays on your taste buds, making it a fun drink for anyone who loves sweets.
Moscato has a deep past. Made from the Muscat grape, this grape is among the ancient wine grapes on earth. It’s not just a beverage; it’s like tasting the past. With every glass, you get a piece of hundreds of years of making wine better, leading to the sweet Moscato we enjoy now.
Moscato is the star at any bash, sliding in easily if it’s a laid-back hangout or a fancy event. Its small fizz and not much alcohol let you sip it with ease, and it doesn’t make you feel heavy. If you’re chilling by the water or cheering at a wedding, Moscato is on hand to make the time better.
Moscato is also great when paired with food. Its sweet taste and tartness are a top fit for many meals, from hot Asian food to sugary treats. The wine’s fruit-like hints can go well with the spice in a meal or the sugar in a treat, making it a go-to pick for any dinner.
Moscato shows up in many kinds, each special in its own way. From the well-known fizzy Moscato d'Asti to the less common Black Muscat, there’s a Moscato for all likes. If you like your wine calm or fizzy, sweet or not so sweet, there’s a Moscato that will delight your senses.

Barefoot White Moscato

Barefoot White Moscato Barefoot White Moscato
Barefoot White Moscato is a sweet wine made from the Muscat grape. This type of grape is known for its sugar and nice smell. The wine comes from sunny California. That is where warm fields hold the grapes until they turn into this tasty drink. With 9% alcohol, it’s not too strong, so you can enjoy it all night long.
Pop open a bottle of Barefoot Moscato, and set off on a scent-filled trip. Here’s what’s coming:
As it pours out, the air gets full of the smell of sweet peaches and apricots. Think of eating a fresh, sun-warm peach—the juice runs down your chin, and the sugar wraps around your tongue. That’s the vibe Barefoot Moscato brings to your place.
Bits of lemon peel and tangy hints mix with the smells of the fruit. It’s like a fresh twist, making the sweet taste bright and even. Shut your eyes, sip again, and let the sharp, lemon-like flavor take you to a sunny fruit garden.
Barefoot Moscato is your friend for the hot days. It’s the drink you grab when the sun’s up, and the heat makes the airwave. Relax and let it chill you with each drink. Have it with fresh salads, fish, or just by itself—the pick is yours.
  • Pure sweet taste: If you love all things sweet, Barefoot Moscato is a dream. It’s like drinking rays of sun—no guilt, just pure joy.
  • Low booze level: At 9% alcohol, it won’t tip you over. It’s ideal for easy days, outdoor eats, or chilling after lots of work.
  • Mixes well: Have it with sweet treats, cheese, or hot food. Its sugary taste cuts the spice, making a smooth match.
  • Not for fans of less sweet wine: If you’re into really dry wines, Barefoot Moscato may be too sugary for you. It’s boldly fruity, so be ready for that.
  • Not so complex: It makes folks happy, but it’s not as deep as other wines. But hey, easy can be good, right?
 $7.99 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

Fre Moscato Non-Alcoholic Wine

Fre Moscato Non-Alcoholic Wine Fre Moscato Non-Alcoholic Wine
In the bright, sunny grape fields of California’s hot inner lands, where the warm light tempts grapes to peak sweetness, a special wine comes out. One that plays on the taste buds but doesn’t have any booze. Sutter Home Fre Moscato non-alcoholic wine is a nice surprise for people looking for a cool drink free of the tipsy feeling.
Our trip starts with sweet smells that float up from a glass of Fre Moscato. The scent is warm and fun, ready for a new feel trip. When you take the first drink, the tastes spread out—a mix of sugar and smoothness.
The Moscato grape, which is so rich, really stands out. It’s like you’re eating a wet peach and drinking smooth honey at the same time. The taste stays, leaving a soft end note of joy.
This drink without the strong stuff comes from hard work. The wine folks at Sutter Home pick the top Moscato grapes from the best fields.
These grapes get lots of sun and turn into the soul of summer—flowery, fruity, and so tempting. They use old ways of making wine, which brings out the wine’s own charm.
But now, the real trick: the special spinning tool. With lots of care, it takes out the strong stuff but keeps the nice smells and tastes. The end part? A happy choice that asks you to lift your glass.
The sweet taste of Moscato eases the hot taste of curry and chili. Be it a Thai green curry or strong vindaloo, Fre Moscato calms the spice. A set of smooth Brie, soft mozzarella, or sharp goat cheese goes well. The wine’s fruity taste makes the cheese’s deep taste even better.
  • Healthy fun: With less than 0.5% strong stuff, Fre Moscato lets you enjoy wine while taking care of your body. It’s a guilt-free break from the normal day.
  • Not too many calories: At just 90 calories for 8 ounces (way less than what’s in soda or regular wine), Fre Moscato is kind to your waist.
  • Fits anywhere: Fre Moscato works for all sorts of times. It’s great for a slow morning meal or a fun night out with friends.
  • Simple joy: While it’s nice, Fre Moscato doesn’t have the deep levels that full wines have. It’s easy and real.
  • Not for deep wine lovers: If you’re after the complex tastes and wooden notes of an old wine, Fre Moscato might feel too light.
 $24.22 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

Stella Rosa Peach Moscato

Stella Rosa Peach Moscato Stella Rosa Peach Moscato
Stella Rosa Moscato & Moscato D’Asti keeps you on top. This kind-of-sweet, kind-of-fizzy drink is just right for friends’ hangouts. But let’s talk about the main event: Stella Rosa peach Moscato.
Take a sip, and tastes of peach, apricot, and honey play on your tongue. Think of biting into a sweet, ripe peach with juice running down your chin. Stella Rosa peach Moscato nails this feeling. The peach taste pops, the apricot gives a hint of sharpness, and the honey brings a soft sweet touch. It’s like a sunny fruit garden in your glass.
Stella Rosa Peach Moscato shows up in two great sizes:
There is the 750 ml bottle. It is great to share with pals over a meal—or as a reward to yourself after a busy week. It’s the bottle you grab when you want to relax, ease up, and relish small joys.
187 ml minis are also available too. These tiny bottles bring a bit of grace to parties and gift bags. For big moments or laid-back park picnics, the minis are perfect pals.
  • Bright taste: Stella Rosa peach Moscato is packed with zest, turning each gulp into a fest.
  • Versatility: It’s just as good for a sunny brunch, afternoon hangouts, or night-time talks.
  • Prize-winner: It has won the Gold Medal from the Monterey Wine Battle and the International Women’s Wine Competition. So, it’s a top favorite.
  • Semi-sweet: If you love really dry drinks, Stella Rosa Peach Moscato might feel too sugary.
  • Limited alcohol: With just 5% ABV, it won’t blow your mind. But sometimes, a soft buzz is just what you want.
 $12.99 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

Barefoot Wine & Bubbly Cellars Peach Moscato

Barefoot Wine & Bubbly Cellars Peach Moscato Barefoot Wine & Bubbly Cellars Peach Moscato
As the sun sets and the noise of the day slows into the soft night, there’s a kind of magic in opening a wine bottle. The sound of glasses touching, the hope for the taste to come—it’s a practice that’s more than just a drink. And for wines that tickle the taste buds, Barefoot Wine & Bubbly’s Peach Moscato is the main show.
In this piece, we’re going to jump into the tasty world of Barefoot’s peach Moscato. From where it began to the sweet flavors that dance in your mouth. We’re going to see why this sugary drink has won hearts for easy meet-ups, close times, and all the moments that fall within.
Think of a sunny place with trees full of big, sweet peaches. That’s what Barefoot Peach Moscato is like. With each drink, you feel like you’re there—in a burst of sunny flavor. You get a lot of the taste of sweet, ripe peaches, and it’s a taste that’s hard to say no to.
This wine is easy to like. It’s as soft as a light wind on a hot day—sweet and cool. It has about 7.5% alcohol, so it’s just right for slow, easy drinking. If you’re by the water, at a park eating outside, or just chilling after a lot of work, this wine is a good match.
No need for a tool to pull out corks! Barefoot peach Moscato has a twist-off top. Just turn it, pour, and watch the joy happen. This nice touch means you get to your tasty wine fast, with no trouble. So, at a cookout or a night with friends, the bottle opens easily, making it simple to love your time.
  • Versatility: Barefoot Peach Moscato goes well with hot food, is a sweet friend to desserts, and can even start a meal. It’s all about being flexible.
  • Affordability: This 750ml bottle is a good deal. You get lots of peachy taste and you don’t spend much.
  • Rich scents: Give it air and it will give back rich smells—peaches, apricots, and citrus—all mixing well together.
  • Not for dry wine lovers: If dry is your thing, Barefoot Peach Moscato might be more sweet than you like.
  • Simple: While nice, it’s not got the deep layers that more complex wines have. But then again, sometimes simple things make us happy.
  • Moderate alcohol content: If you’re wanting something strong, this won’t be it. But this wine is about kicking back and enjoying.
 $7.99 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

Bartenura Kosher Moscato

Bartenura Kosher Moscato Bartenura Kosher Moscato
Bartenura Moscato was the first wine to show up in this blue bottle. But there’s more than looks here—a story of new ideas and old ways. In 1992, this wine turned into the top seller in the kosher world, winning over taste buds everywhere. And sure, Lil' Kim even shouted it out in her music, making it trendy with other stars, too.
Now, we chat about the main part—the Moscato grape. These round, shiny yellow grapes are full of sweet smells.
Think of walking in a fruit field, the air filled with the smell of fresh-cut flowers, ripe fruit, and sweet honey. This is what Moscato is all about. Bartenura turns these grapes into a wine that makes your mouth happy. It’s a bit fizzy, or as some say, “frizzante.” The tiny bubbles make you want to dive in deeper.
Lift your glass and take a deep breath. The smell of flowers meets you—it’s like a hug that takes you to bright, sunny fields. Shut your eyes and let the scent work its wonders.
The first taste is all ripe, sweet melons. It’s like taking a bite of the best melon, warmed by the sun in Italy. That’s Bartenura Moscato.
Next comes the taste of honey. It’s as if tiny bees told the grapes their secrets, giving the wine a hint of their golden sweetness. Pour it over cheese, and you’ve got heaven.
The journey of tastes goes on. Pears, peaches, and apricots dance in your mouth. Every fruit shines on its own, giving you a mix of summer joy.
  • Connecting old and new: Bartenura is a bridge between the old ways and new fun. It’s the wine old folks would nod at, and younger people enjoy.
  • Versatility: You can drink it with anything. Forget the old rules; it’s good with all your favorites. Pizza? Sure. Sushi? Go for it.
  • Light and fresh: On a hot day, grab this cool drink. Its light fizz makes sure it’s refreshing, not too much. It’s like drinking joy from a cup.
  • Sweetness: If you don’t like very sweet wines, this Moscato might be too much. But sometimes, sweet is just right, isn’t it?
  • Simplicity: Don’t think too hard about this wine. Leave that for the strong drinks. Bartenura Moscato is all about easy fun and smiles.
 $13.99 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

Wild Grapes Premium California Moscato

Wild Grapes Premium California Moscato Wild Grapes Premium California Moscato
Moscato, also called Muscat, is a type of grape that’s almost very sweet. And when you talk about Moscato, Wild Grapes really knows how to make it fun.
Wild Grapes’ Moscato from California is like warm joy in a bottle. Think of taking a bite of a ripe peach, with juice running down your face. Now think of that as a wine—that’s what this bright drink is like. When you taste it, a rush of tropical tastes such as peaches, sweet apricots, and a hint of pineapple hits you.
Moscato can change and fit in well. It can blend anywhere. Think of eating juicy baked chicken or sharp-tasting lemon and herb turkey, Moscato’s sweet taste makes the rich flavors even out.
Got a dish of mixed veggies with red and green bell peppers, crisp peas, and tiny corn? Moscato dances right next to it, bringing just a bit of sugar to the mix of hard veggies.
Brie, goat cheese, or smooth blue cheese – Moscato plays nice with all. The wine’s flowery smell and light sour touch mix well with the softness of the cheese.
  • Just fun: Wild Grapes California Moscato is a bold party of sweet tastes. It’s as if you’re having dessert from a cup.
  • Laid-back: Moscato isn’t just for grand times. It’s perfect for a simple picnic or a cool rooftop hangout.
  • Not too strong: With just 8.5% booze, it’s not going to make you tipsy. Great for easy days or late-morning meals.
  • Too sweet for some: If dry wines are what you like, Moscato might seem way too sweet.
  • Simple flavors: It’s not a wine to think over too much. Moscato is more for instant fun, not for deep thoughts.
 $79.99 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

What Is Special About Moscato?

At its heart, Moscato is a sweet light wine that’s full of tastes like lemon, peach, and flower scent. Think of drinking a glass of Moscato d’Asti on a nice night—the soft bubbles, the sweet smell, and the thin feel make you love it. No matter if you know a lot about wine or just started, Moscato’s charm gets to everyone.
Real Moscato d'Asti and Asti Spumante (two loved Moscato kinds) come only from Piedmont, Italy. These drinks are from the Muscat Blanc grape kind, grown for a very long time. What do you get? A mix of tastes that play on your taste buds.

Why Is It Called Moscato?

Moscato is what folks in Italy call Muscat Blanc, a very old type of grape used to make wine. Think of grapevines growing long ago, their deep roots set in old dirt. People have grown Muscat Blanc for many, many years. Its sugary, scented grapes have charmed those who love wine through many ages.

What Country Is Moscato?

Moscato comes from the warm grape farms of Italy, most from the Piedmont area. There, set in wavy hills and pretty views, the Muscat Blanc grape is the best. In Italy, folks call it Moscato. This grape type has a long story, lasting many, many years. Think of old Romans drinking from cups full of this sweet juice – a habit that people still do now.

Does Moscato Have High Alcohol Content?

In terms of alcohol levels, think of Moscato as the chill kin in the wine clan. Its ABV (how much alcohol it has in each drink) often sits between 5.5% to 12%. Yep, this is a wine that’s more light as air than super strong.

Why Is Moscato So Cheap?

It’s a nice mix of smart farm work, simple wine craft, and a touch of sun’s glow. Muscat, this old grape kind, has been dancing in wine fields for lots of years, and it likes to stand out. Muscat plants grow well in many kinds of weather. It rises in the warm hills of Italy, the cool sides of California, or the snug spots of Australia. They fit in well, are tough, and grow a lot.
Some wines may be picky, wanting only the best spots to grow, but not Moscato. It thrives where it’s sunny and the dirt is kind. Just sun and happy times.
Oak barrels are too posh for Moscato. These wines tend to skip getting old in barrels. They go straight to the bottle, quick and lively, set to dance into your cup. Fewer days in barrels make it cheaper — that’s good for your money.
Moscato doesn’t need some famous wine guy with fancy facial hair. Okay, those trendy winemakers who make little amounts of fancy red wine are cool, but Moscato is for the people. It’s made by folks who like taste more than online likes. No need for posh wine cellars or to wait. Open it up and let the fizz play with your nose.

Is Moscato a Real Wine?

Moscato, old as time, is like a smart elder who knows the world. It first grew in the Egyptian days before Christ, so it’s one of the very first grape types.
The Moscato grape tribe is huge, like a wide field of vines. Many types are spread all over the world, each with its own style. Yet, they all have this same thing: they’re sweet.
These grapes are sweet on their own. Winemakers make them even sweeter by halting the wine’s fermenting soon. What do we get? Wines that are quite sugary. Moscato wines are the stars of the sweet food part. Their sugar goes well with the last dish.

Who Drinks Moscato?

If you look for happiness in a drink, Moscato goes beyond names. It’s for the cheers of joy, the easy-going day, and the quick, secret smooches. With its light sugar taste and bubbly appeal, Moscato has won over the love (and taste buds) of wine lovers all around the world.

When Should I Drink Moscato?

It’s the sweet end to a meal, the final act that makes your taste buds sing with joy. The best temp to serve it is from 45°F to 50°F. Too cold, the taste gets too sweet and dull. Too hot, and the light smells fade away fast. 
For the right chill, put your Moscato in the fridge for an hour. Can’t wait? Drop it in an ice pail for 20 mins. Take it from us; the wait pays off.

What Is the Proper Way To Drink Moscato?

A wine glass is where the wine shows its best moves. For a flat Moscato, pick a white wine glass. Its wide top lets the wine take in the air, bringing out those alluring smells. If your Moscato has fizz, go for a tall flute. Its thin form keeps the fizz alive, making your sip feel fancy.
When you pour Moscato, be chill. No rush - slow is best. Tip the bottle with care to save the little fizz bubbles. With either glass, be smooth and sure in your action.
Here’s what goes well with it:
Cheese: Soft ones like Brie or Camembert love Moscato. Their smooth feel blends well with its sweet taste.
Fruit salad: Picture a dish full of ripe berries, and orange bits, with a honey splash. Moscato joins in, making a sweet fruit mix.
Desserts: From creamy coffee-flavored Italian cake to fruity baked dessert, Moscato lifts up the sweets. Its sugary flavor adds to the sweet taste, ending your meal on a happy note.


In the big world of wines, there’s a perfect place where Moscato wines reach like none other. With their light, sweet tastes and a bit of bubble, they’ve turned into a top pick for lots.
Barefoot White Moscato and Stella Rosa peach Moscato stand as two prime Moscatos with their own special flavor feel. 
The Barefoot White Moscato mixes sweet peach, tangy apricot, and sharp citrus—great with hot food or mild sweets.
The Stella Rosa Peach Moscato brings a rich peach taste set off by the tart zing of Moscato grapes. It’s top-notch with green salads, fish, and smooth noodle plates. Both wines give a fun and versatile drink time. Here’s to good times!


When is the National Moscato Day?
Celebrate with a drink on May 9th.
Why is Moscato liked so much?
Its sweet and fruity taste makes it a hit for any event.
What’s the best way to enjoy Moscato?
Match it with hot food or fresh veggie snacks for an amazing flavor mix.
How can you have a good time on National Moscato Day?
Throw a party to try different wines or groove to songs that praise Moscato.
Is Moscato more than a wine for after meals?
Yes, for sure! It’s great for all parts of a meal because it comes in many types.
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