James Baresel
James Baresel is a freelance writer who has contributed to periodicals as varied as Fine Art Connoisseur, Military History, Claremont Review of Books, and New Eastern Europe.


Carracci Cousins and the Blueprint for Art Academies

Carracci Cousins and the Blueprint for Art Academies
May 22

‘Adoration of the Shepherds’: Caravaggio’s Realistic Imaginings

‘Adoration of the Shepherds’: Caravaggio’s Realistic Imaginings
May 16

Vatican ‘Surrenders’ Over Blessing Gay Couples

Vatican ‘Surrenders’ Over Blessing Gay Couples
Jan 21

Soaring Crime Rate Hurting Small Businesses in Washington

Soaring Crime Rate Hurting Small Businesses in Washington
Jan 09

Growing Opposition Within Catholic Church Over Softer Approach to Same-Sex Relationships

Growing Opposition Within Catholic Church Over Softer Approach to Same-Sex Relationships
Jan 03

The Banqueting House of Whitehall

The Banqueting House of Whitehall
Jan 02

A New Perspective on the Famed Wilton House

A New Perspective on the Famed Wilton House
Dec 23