Yemen President Balks at Signing Resignation Agreement

Yemen’s President Ali Abdullah Saleh on Sunday refused to sign an agreement that would see him give up power in 30 days, as he had promised.
Yemen President Balks at Signing Resignation Agreement
Jasper Fakkert
Yemen’s President Ali Abdullah Saleh on Sunday refused to sign an agreement that would see him give up power in 30 days, as he had promised. Under the agreement, Saleh would appoint a prime minister from the opposition, after which new presidential elections would be held.

The agreement, which was expected to have already been signed last Wednesday, was the result of negotiations by Gulf states in the region.

In exchange for his resignation, Saleh would be given immunity from prosecution. While the opposition officially agreed to the conditions of the deal, many of the demonstrators on the streets did not agree to the terms—insisting Saleh should resign immediately and should be liable for prosecution.

For months demonstrators have called for Saleh to resign, as some high officials, including from the army, have joined the demonstrators.

According to human rights organizations hundreds of people have been killed in the unrest. Photo Caption(s) & Photo Location(s)
Jasper Fakkert is the Editor-in-chief of the U.S. editions of The Epoch Times. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Communication Science and a Master's degree in Journalism. Twitter: @JasperFakkert
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