Would You Call the FBI?

Would You Call the FBI?
The FBI logo is seen outside the headquarters building in Washington on July 5, 2016. (Yuri Gripas/AFP/Getty Images)
Roger L. Simon

Say, for example, you suspect someone you’ve met or possibly overheard, either as a co-worker or in some other manner, of working for Iranian intelligence, would you call the FBI? (Iranian intelligence, as you no doubt know, has a history of involvement in terror attacks and assassinations.)

In the old days, not so long ago, this would have been an automatic yes. But now?

Ask yourself: Suppose you were or are some kind of conservative or libertarian or even (gasp) unvaccinated person, how would you feel about making that call to our national government?

Would you feel in jeopardy? Would you feel in danger, that things might suddenly be turned around on you? If a public figure such as Peter Navarro can be treated like a common criminal, virtually perp-walked by the FBI at the airport into a cell utilized by would-be Reagan assassin John Hinckley, when Navarro lived next door to agency headquarters, what could happen to anonymous you?

Well, we know. Look no further than those still incarcerated in the Gestapo-like Jan. 6 sweep. Before that happened, nobody knew their names. Now maybe we know a few from news reports in places such as The Gateway Pundit. But if we decide to donate money to their suffering families or for their defense, we also know—unless we’re extraordinarily naive—that records will be kept and that our activities will be recorded by our government. Our names will be on a list, if they aren’t already. They'll be tracking us, again if they aren’t already. Remember, they knew exactly when Navarro would be at Reagan Airport, trying to get to Nashville. Did he send them an itinerary?

I repeat: Would you call the FBI?

Of course, there are alternatives. You could make that call to the local constabulary. But if you lived in San Francisco and Los Angeles, where Chesa Boudin and George Gascón are district attorneys, at least for now, you might want to think twice. New York isn’t much better.

Most of our major cities have far-left district attorneys, thanks to George Soros and Co. These district attorneys probably think the ayatollahs are right or are Third World leaders who should be respected. After all, many of these people or their parents supported the Weather Underground and Angela Davis back in the day—and in some cases, even worked with them.

Still, you would likely make the call anyway because you’re a patriot. But you'll know, as you make it, that many of the people on the other end aren’t, certainly not in the way you understand the term.

Nevertheless, the local option is probably better, because with a certain amount of planning and research or just by stumbling upon him or her, you might reach someone who actually cares. A local cop is bound to be closer to the people than today’s FBI, which seems to function as a paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party (cf., the dawn arrest of Roger Stone with CNN “miraculously” in tow).

And don’t expect help from the media, with rare exceptions. As Elon Musk just pointed out, they show no interest in discovering who Jeffrey Epstein actually entertained on his island, despite that being, or rather because of it being, front-page news—nor has, interestingly, the Department of Justice (DOJ). Why would they heed a warning from Joe or Jill Conservative, even in a national emergency?

On American Greatness, Roger Kimball gives us a litany of what has become of justice in America and he names names that we recognize—Strzok, Page, Comey, and so forth. They’re, mostly, gone, enjoying their golden parachutes or cushy private-sector jobs (James Baker went straight to Twitter). But the current leadership—the FBI’s Christopher Wray and the DOJ’s Merrick Garland—are no better and probably worse because, under the Biden administration, they’re able to operate with impunity. Indeed, they’re encouraged to do so.

Kimball, with his usual perspicacity, sees this all—including the appalling Sussmann jury nullification—as the work of a “company town.” I would add that the town is looking more and more like Berlin 1936 or Moscow even earlier.

Does this sound unduly negative? Unfortunately, I don’t think so. Correcting this is going to be a monumental job that will take years. Electing a Republican Congress in 2022 and a Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis in 2024 will only begin the task.

It was easy to see during Trump’s presidency, despite whatever efforts he made, just how deep the Deep State was. They’ve ruled our country for decades, and they’re not about to give up, if present behavior is any indication.

So I have this suggestion. As many readers recall, during the Ronald Reagan–Mikhail Gorbachev summit discussions that began the breakup—for a while anyway—of the Soviet Union, Reagan told us to “trust, but verify.” He was right, because Gorbachev did, to some extent anyway, want to change and improve his country. Considering where he came from, he was a good man.

This isn’t true of our domestic adversaries, most of whom wish to destroy our extraordinary Madisonian democratic republic forever in favor of some globalist reconstitution of communism, even when they pretend otherwise.

So I say, don’t trust—alas we can’t, much as I wish we could—but do verify. And verify, verify, verify. And when you’ve finished that, verify some more.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Prize-winning author and Oscar-nominated screenwriter Roger L. Simon’s latest of many books is “American Refugees: The Untold Story of the Mass Exodus from Blue States to Red States.” He is banned on X, but you can subscribe to his newsletter here.
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