US Is One Step Closer to Banning Harmful Plastics From Your Body Scrub


On Mon. 7 Dec, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a bill ,known as the Microbead Free Waters Act, which would phase out the use of microbeads by 2018. Now the bipartisan legislation has been passed on to the Senate.

Companies would be required to cease manufacturing “rinse-off” personal care items with microbeads by July 2017, halting the sale of such items one year later.

If the Microbead Free Waters Act is signed into law and follows the schedule listed in the bill, we’re looking at another 935 microbead-filled days to go, or 7.48 quadrillion microparticles released into American waterways over the next two and a half years. 

This article was originally published on, Dec 9, 2015. Read the complete article here.

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