Trump-Supporting Tow-Truck Driver Refuses to Tow a Bernie Supporter’s Car

When tow-truck driver Ken Shupe stopped in Asheville, North Carolina to help Cassy McWade who had been in an accident, he noticed one thing—a bumper sticker supporting Democratic nominee Bernie Sanders.
Trump-Supporting Tow-Truck Driver Refuses to Tow a Bernie Supporter’s Car
A Bernie Sanders sticker adorns a car in the parking lot of Manual High School as Colorado Democrats cast their vote. (Photo by Marc Piscotty/Getty Images)

“And he says, ‘No, you’re a Bernie supporter.’ And I was like wait, really? And he says, ‘Yes ma’am,' and just walks away.”

She has a Bernie Sanders bumper sticker on her rear fender and a yard sign in her rear window for Sanders.

McWade, 25, has psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and early-stage Crohns, and says the handicapped placard was hanging on her mirror when Shupe arrived.

Shupe says he did not know that McWade was disabled.

“Had she been disabled, would I have towed her car? No ma'am. I would have pulled forward and sat there with her to make sure she was OK until another wrecker service showed up to get her home safely, but I still would not have towed her car,” said Shupe.

“I stand by my decision, and I would do it again today if the opportunity presented itself.”