Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton Agree on NATO

Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz don’t often agree on political positions, but recently they’ve both been defending U.S. involvement in NATO.
Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton Agree on NATO

Ted Cruz characterized Trump’s statement as a “retreat” and drew a line between Trump’s suggestion and the Brussels terror attack:

It is striking that the day after Donald Trump called for America weakening NATO, withdrawing from NATO, we see Brussels, where NATO is headquartered, attacked by terrorists.

Donald Trump is wrong that America should withdraw from the world and abandon our allies.

Donald Trump is wrong that America should retreat from NATO, hand Putin a major victory, and while he’s at it hand ISIS a major victory.

Hillary Clinton made a similar argument in a speech at Stanford University on counterterrorism March 23.

Putin already hopes to divide Europe. If Mr. Trump gets his way, it will be like Christmas in the Kremlin.

It will make America less safe and the world more dangerous.

She continued calling NATO “one of the best investments America has ever made.”

The bipartisan backlash against Donald Trump’s statement about NATO is an indication of how much the political establishment rejects Trump’s suggestions and criticisms.