Rally in Front of the US Supreme Court: ‘Stop the Steal’ of the Election

Rally in Front of the US Supreme Court: ‘Stop the Steal’ of the Election
A demonstration in front of the U.S. Supreme Court calling for “Stop the Steal” of the presidential election, in Washington on Nov. 7, 2020. (Wu Wei, The Epoch Times)
Sherry Dong

WASHINGTON—More than 100 individuals gathered in front of the U.S. Supreme Court on Nov. 7 to protest what they say is the theft of the U.S. presidential election and to call for the Supreme Court to redress problems with counting the votes.

They held up U.S. flags and signs and banners that read “Stop the Steal,”  “Trump 2020,” “Four More Years,” “We the People Need You,” and so on.

The rally is one of many “Stop the Steal” demonstrations held simultaneously across the United States.

Some protestors spoke with The Epoch Times.

‘That’s Illogical’

“There are so many irregularities,” said Tracy Welch, a program manager at the Department of Defense, who attended the protest. “There are a number of things coming out now about how corrupted the system has become. And that impacts all of us. I don’t want an election to be slanted either way. I want it to be fair and honest.”

“Biden, he didn’t campaign, pretty much, right? Biden was never as popular as Obama, [and] got more votes? That’s illogical,” he said.

“Trump actually got more votes than Obama did.”

Welch noted that many mainstream media outlets haven’t reported on President Donald Trump truthfully. “Now, considering the past four years, no matter what he did, they tried to twist it into something wrong. If he’s that bad, how do you get more votes than Barack Obama?”

President Barack Obama received a record 69.4 million votes in 2008.

Trump wrote on Twitter on Nov. 7 that he won 71 million, “71,000,000 Legal Votes. The most EVER for a sitting President!”

Tracy Welch, a program manager of the Department of Defense, and his wife, Cherrie Welch, at the “Stop the Steal” rally in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington on Nov. 7, 2020. (Sherry Dong/The Epoch Times)
Tracy Welch, a program manager of the Department of Defense, and his wife, Cherrie Welch, at the “Stop the Steal” rally in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington on Nov. 7, 2020. (Sherry Dong/The Epoch Times)

Trying to Take an Election

Ed Martin, president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, said there were a lot of questions during the election.

“It is very clear to me Donald Trump won a landslide on Tuesday night. He won the votes legally cast, and it should have been called for him that night,” he said.

“Everything since then has brought things into question. When the election officials exclude poll workers, that’s an indication of something going on.

“When the election officials accept ballots after election day, which is what appeared to happen in Pennsylvania, this is an indication of misconduct. Now we have dead people who voted. We now have a compromised election software system.

“Not just politicians warned that if you do mail-in ballots in a presidential year, you’re going to have lots of problems. We’re seeing lots of problems.

“But in this case, the challenge to us is that we’re seeing the media, Big Tech, the powers that be on the left, try to take an election.

“So we the people that have a preference on the direction of the country all have a right to speak up against that corruption, and if we don’t, I’m fearful that the Constitution will be diminished or be ineffective.

“The best solution right now to election fraud is count every vote for this election, count every vote, make sure every legally cast vote is counted, and discard the fraud.

“To hold people accountable, that’s all we’re asking for.”

Vidal Nunez, a handyman from Maryland, joins the “Stop the Steal” rally in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington on Nov. 7, 2020. (Sherry Dong/ The Epoch Times)
Vidal Nunez, a handyman from Maryland, joins the “Stop the Steal” rally in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington on Nov. 7, 2020. (Sherry Dong/ The Epoch Times)

Reinvigorated Love of Country

“It looks like our election is being stolen from victorious Donald Trump,” said Vidal Nunez, a handyman from Maryland. “I see Trump is fighting to remain our president, so I’m willing to put in some time to fight for him.”

He said Trump has changed his life.

“Trump has reinvigorated my love for this country. Going through the public schools, I came out as a young adult not respecting this country or its capitalist traditions or Christian background. I wanted it to be atheist and socialist. And at the same time, I had a really negative outlook on life. I was doing drugs. And just in a dark place.

“At the same time, I started coming back to my Christian roots, and realizing how great we have it in this country compared to other countries.”

According to Nunez, Trump is restoring tradition.

“[Trump] was at the tip, the wave of this new conservative movement that I feel like I get to be a part of by reembracing all of these traditions that make America great.

“It’s not the easy path. But it’s really the only path.

“The socialist movement, it’s telling people you don’t have to do the hard thing. If we let that go now, this country is going to go down a dark hole.”