Hong Kong Collects Stories of Chinese Renouncing the Party

“The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” has triggered waves of Chinese people renouncing the Chinese Communist Party.
Hong Kong Collects Stories of Chinese Renouncing the Party
From the transfer of its sovereignty to China in 1997, Hong Kong has remained a unique land of freedom on the southern tip of China. In recent years it has served as a channel for voicing what the Chinese public is thinking. The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, a series of editorials by The Epoch Times, has triggered waves of Chinese people renouncing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Hong Kong residents have taken an active part and are now beginning to see the significance of the event.

Over the six years after the publishing of The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, more and more Chinese people have gained a better understanding of the CCP and of its rule by violence and propaganda. Widespread awakening of the public is now taking place. By now, over 90 million people have declared their renunciation of the CCP, the Youth League, and the Young Pioneers online.

In mainland China, besides quitting the CCP, people who have awakened to the loss of the legitimacy of CCP rule have even started organizing study sessions to read through The Nine Commentaries. A military commander veteran in a southern Chinese province told The Epoch Times in April 2010 that some local residents had set up Nine Commentaries study sessions as early as March 2008. In about two years, the group had attracted 473 people, from all walks of life, including former CCP officials. People withdrew from the CCP as soon as they learnt about its history and modus operandi in depth.

The veteran pointed out that these study groups were not isolated events. In the province where he lives, he was aware that in over 30 counties people gathered to study Nine Commentaries in groups.

Debunking Marx

A recent series of reports on Karl Marx by the Chinese version of The Epoch Times had a significant impact on Chinese readers.

Zhang Shixin, Quan Ming, Li Ying and five other people from Jilin Province declared in their statement, “The devious nature of Karl Marx is both shocking and credible. What is really shocking is that the CCP has been spreading such outright lies of its being ‘great, glorious, and correct’ while its doyen, Karl Marx lived such a devious life. On the other hand, the brutal acts the CCP carried out in its nearly 90 years of history has offered the most credible explanation of its own nature. Upon awakening, we declare to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. We want to be proud sons and daughters of the Chinese nation.”

A Chinese resident argued in his statement quitting the CCP, “Marxism serves as the theoretical foundation of the Communist Party, while the analysis of the surplus value serves the theoretical foundation of Marxism. Under this analysis, business owners have no right to retain profit to either expand the scale of production or to save for economic downturns, otherwise they face the charge of exploiting employees. In today’s China, the CCP has been dodging this question for decades. The CCP’s self-contradictory acts offer no better proof that it is using Marxism as a brainwashing tool to serve its dictatorial regime.”

Jiang Jiefeng, from Guangdong Province, declared to quit the CCP and will adhere to “five thousand years of Chinese tradition to avoid being misled by the devious teachings of Karl Marx.”

A Worker Who Lost Work and Home

When reporters for The Epoch Times’ Chinese edition weekly magazine were interviewing people at the Star Ferry Pier in Tsim Sha Tsui, one of Hong Kong’s major tourist attractions, A-Xue (a pseudonym) had quit the CCP’s affiliated organizations using her official name and was glad to be interviewed.

She said that she was among the countless laid-off workers in China’s central Hubei Province. She was surprised to find that she had lost her job, one day in the early 1990’s. Her employer promised to pay compensation based on her years of service, but she never received anything. Having lost the low-income job that she depended on for living, she fell into financial distress.

In 1996, A-Xue’s father received a housing allocation. A-Xue’s family moved in and did some home improvements. However, five years later, the head of the personnel section of her former employer forced her to give up the apartment she got from her father. The official told her that she had been assigned an apartment by her original employer, as “her father’s apartment had to be returned to the CCP.” A-Xue fought for half a year. The authorities cut off the water and electricity. In the end, she had to move out. She went to debate with the factory director of her former employer, but was beaten up by the factory security guards.

A-Xue was puzzled at her unfair treatment. At first she wondered, “This could be caused by the incompetence of the top leaders?” One day in 2008, she received a brochure in her mailbox. It was Chapter 3 of The Nine Commentaries titled, “On the Tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party.” It dawned on her that all the misery was caused by the CCP itself.

She learned that the CCP has had a tight grip on state media. It killed countless people, muffled dissenting views, and indoctrinated the public. She had to rely on overseas sources for facts.

A-Xue said that in today’s China, renouncing the CCP and its affiliated organizations has picked up momentum. It is not uncommon for people to ask each other privately, “Have you quit?” She has seen in the city, printed leaflets and handwritten signs on electric poles, hallways in residential quarters, and on paper currency telling people that the CCP rule is much more fragile than it looks.

After reading the brochure of Chapter 3 of The Nine Commentaries, A-Xue wrote “the CCP is being extinguished by heaven” on a dozen paper bills. She placed the brochure at the door of her local police station to give the officers a surprise.

As a Chinese citizen, A-Xue had been waiting for the day she could speak her mind. She hoped more people will have the opportunity to read The Nine Commentaries. She has just finished reading the entire nine chapters after receiving the book distributed by Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners. She was shocked at its depictions of the CCP’s brutality and deception. She renounced CCP-affiliated organizations with her real name. She said, “I feel I’m relieved, I am awakened. This is the biggest change I have made in this trip.”

Read More . . . Volunteers Encouraged

Volunteers Encouraged

Ms. Zhu, who has been volunteering at the Hong Kong Service Center for Withdrawing from the CCP, has noticed that both tourists from mainland China as well as local residents are more willing to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. She said, from 2005 to the summer of 2009, she processed just a few thousand cases of people quitting the CCP. But in less than two years since summer 2009, she has processed nearly 30,000 cases.

She has observed that in the past people tended to think that their membership in the Youth League or the Young Pioneers had elapsed for years, there was no need to make further claims. Today, people have realized that quitting the CCP is a self-expression, a proactive choice to part ways with the CCP.

One day, a beautiful lady came by. She told the lady, “Heaven cares about what people think. I wish you could stay young and beautiful.” Then she asked whether she wanted to quit the CCP. The lady agreed. Ms. Zhu picked a pseudonym for her, Liangli, which means kind-hearted and beautiful. The lady not only quit the CCP organizations, she took the pseudonym to her heart.

Ms. Zhou, another volunteer at the Hong Kong Service Center for Withdrawing from the CCP, told us that many tourists told her they already quit the CCP when she brought up the topic. She learned from them that they use circumvention software to break through the CCP’s Great Firewall. Many made their renunciations over the Internet.

Ms. Zhou recalled that one day a gentleman appeared to be contemplating something. She went to him and chatted with him. She handed him a copy of Nine Commentaries with a smile, “Take a look. This is a precious book. It is banned in China. Many people take them back to share with their loved ones.”

She exchanged more thoughts after the gentleman opened the book. She convinced him that to renounce the CCP is good for him. The gentleman shook her hand, then gave her a name he made for himself to renounce, and thanked her.

One day, a young girl was looking at the display boards with pictures of the Tiananmen Square massacre that occurred on June 4, 1989. A Falun Gong volunteer working with Ms. Zhou went to the girl. She offered more details on the massacre. Three other ladies in front of the display boards listened in. They had tears in their eyes and, without hesitation they renounced the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

A-Nong, another volunteer at the service center, met with three elderly Party officials. They appeared to be intimidated by the Party propaganda espoused by the tourist guide who threatened them not to listen to the presentation. A-Nong said to them, “Since 1949 to this day, is there a single campaign in which the CCP did not find excuses to frame innocent people? Didn’t all the victims die wrong deaths?” The three officials all lowered their heads. A-Nong said, “Don’t be dragged down by the CCP when it is eliminated by heaven. Wipe out the vows you took when joining the Party. Be a man of good conscience from today on!” All three officials quit on the spot.

One day, a young woman under 20 years old approached the volunteers with a smile. She wanted to quit the Youth League and the Young Pioneers. Her parents were not able to make the trip, but had asked her to make the statement on their behalf to renounce the CCP. They had learnt about the Party’s more sinister activities over the Internet.

Mr. Zhou Weidong, community director of the Democratic Party who supported the service center on numerous occasions, delivered a speech in a gathering on Dec. 12 last year. He appealed to mainland fellow countrymen to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. He said, “This is a statement we are making to ourselves, our country, and our future generations. If we love our country, our nation, and our culture, we have no choice but to do so.”

Read the Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party online. http://ninecommentaries.com

Read the original Chinese article. http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/10/12/27/n3125191.htm