China Uncensored: China’s Giant Spider Tank the Future of War?

The Chinese Army is building a giant weaponized walking spider tank, complete with a 30mm cannon.

Okay, that was just an attention grabbing headline. China is not building a spider tank. Spiders have 8 legs. This tank has 11. Which is a weird number of legs for anything to have. Anyway, they’re calling it the “crab walker.” But that doesn’t seem right either. It might be more accurate to call it...your worst nightmare.

Now I want to make it clear: This is something the Chinese army is actually working on. At least three reports on the Crab Walker have been published by researchers about the progress they’ve made on the design.

Clearly the lesson the Chinese Communist Party took away from the Tiananmen Square Massacre is that tanks just aren’t terrifying enough.

But not to worry, the crab walker will be. It’s 18 feet long, the size of a Soviet World War Two tank, mounted with a 30mm cannon. But unlike regular tanks, this one can navigate rugged terrain, making it ideal for deployment in mountainous areas like Tibet or disputed territories along the Indian border.

So far, it doesn’t appear that any physical construction has begun, and tests of the design have been made only in digital simulations. Apparently the latest improvement was an update to the frame, so it has better stability when it fires its cannon.

Will there be a final showdown between Japanese mech-suits and China’s crab walker? Only time will tell.

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