China Is Listed as Country of Particular Concern for 21st Year

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The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom published its annual report on Tuesday, announcing that China is listed as a ‘country of particular concern’ (CPC) for serious violations of religious freedom for the 21st consecutive year.

The Chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, Tony Perkins, stated, “The evidence is overwhelming that China abuses human rights on a systematic basis and religious freedom is chief among the targets.”

According to reports, the situation of religious freedom in China continued to deteriorate in 2019. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) constructed a country with a high technology surveillance system that uses facial recognition and artificial intelligence to spy on religious groups.

Tony Perkins continued, “We see Falun Gong which is another religious minority that is suppressed in China, and in fact, linked to forced organ harvesting. What I have seen is very reliable evidence shows that it has become a big business in China and it’s primarily through these political-religious prisoners that this is taking place.”

The report mentioned particularly the CCP’s pressure on the United Nations and foreign governments and the exporting of surveillance technology and systems training to more than 100 countries to undermine religious freedom on an international level.

Tony Perkins: “That’s extremely important to understand because some of this technology has been facilitated by American companies. Now it’s being exported from China now that it is being perfected.”

The report made several recommendations to the U.S. government, including sanctions against CCP agencies and Chinese officials that have been a part of serious violations of religious freedom. Some of these include seizing personal assets or banning entry to the U.S., also naming Chen Quan-Guo, who is currently the Communist Party Secretary of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, and Zhu Hai-Lun, former Deputy Party Secretary of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. To counteract the CCP’s influence, the U.S. government has reinforced its diplomatic efforts.

In January 2020, the Department of State appointed Mark Lambert as Special Envoy to counter the CCP’s “malicious influence” at the UN.