More Health Care for Unlawful Immigrants?

More Health Care for Unlawful Immigrants?
U.S. Border Patrol agents check identification papers of illegal immigrants before they are transported to a Border Patrol processing center in Jacumba Hot Springs, Calif., on Dec. 1, 2023. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)
Christian Milord
Many Americans have been pushing for ever greater benefits for illegal immigrants for years. It has been reported in media outlets including The Epoch Times that a new rule by the Biden administration could allow about 100,000 DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipients, or “Dreamers,” to receive health benefits under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or “Obamacare.” This health care law was passed in 2010 during the Obama administration. Approximately 480,000 Dreamers already receive some form of health care from their employers or unions.

When the ACA was passed, it was alleged that health care prices would decrease and that millions of lower-income Americans would benefit. Unsurprisingly, the cost of health care shot up, because the government is incapable of creating programs that break even or make a profit. The ACA has evolved into another inefficient mammoth bureaucracy that is similar to an albatross around the necks of hardworking taxpayers. California taxpayers will be adversely affected by these added benefits because there are many Dreamers living in the state.

Dreamers are the youngsters who came into the United States illegally and have been living here without proper immigration documents for years. Some of their parents or sponsors have legal papers that would facilitate the process toward permanent residency status and eventual citizenship only for themselves. While it might be natural for some folks to empathize with the limbo status of Dreamers, they did enter the country unlawfully and are already benefiting from numerous tax-funded social services on the job or in school.

This newest executive action hasn’t passed congressional muster, so it could be challenged prior to going into effect on Nov. 1. While some believe that all of the Dreamers should have a permanent fix to their status and receive health entitlements, and they often laud the values of equity and social justice, where is the justice for citizens and legal immigrants who have to fund government health care programs?

There was a time not so long ago when illegal immigrants or seasonal workers would come to America in order to work hard and not expect an array of benefits. Some would go back home, and some would stay in the United States. However, in recent years, unlawful immigrants have been expecting and even demanding resources despite the fact that they have broken immigration laws. Where does this unearned entitlement mentality come from? Well, if unlawful immigrants hear that goodies have been offered to them, they will come in droves to America. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure this out.

A Better Course of Action

Instead of providing health care benefits to unlawful immigrants, taxpayer dollars ought to be spent on the needs of citizens and legal immigrants who play by the rules and understand that any entitlements must be earned. Indeed, Americans contribute to Medicare and Social Security with their taxed income.

For the past few years, Californians have been struggling under the weight of persistent inflation, housing costs, the overall cost of living, and the problems of crime and homelessness. A large part of the problem is generated by government debt and deficit spending on ineffective social programs instead of infrastructure needs and law enforcement. Why should hardworking Americans be coerced into subsidizing the lifestyle of illegal immigrants who disrespect ordered liberty and sovereign borders?

All of this nonsense could stop if existing immigration laws were enforced. Asylum cases would be rigorously vetted for legitimacy, the Stay in Mexico policy could be enforced so that potential immigrants would adhere to a legal process, chain migration would be reduced, and lawful immigration processes would be streamlined. Any individual who arrives at the southern border would be turned back if they lack proper documents. The number of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration personnel and immigration judges would be increased.

Moreover, folks who have overstayed their student or work visas would be required to reapply to extend these visas or else return to their countries of origin. In order to be fair to U.S. workers, E-Verify would be utilized across the board to determine if an individual is a legal resident who is eligible to enter the labor force. During these challenging times, it is critical to respond to the needs of Americans and the urgency of national security.

Absent the rule of law, liberty, prosperity, and security will give way to the law of the jungle. Handing folks unearned benefits can also encourage dependency while discouraging initiative and merit. An orderly process of immigration will enhance the rule of law and protect citizens and legal immigrants from malign actors who lack accepted core moral principles.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Christian Milord is an Orange County, California-based educator, mentor, USCG veteran, and writer. He earned his M.S. degree from California State University, Fullerton, where he mentors student groups and is involved with literacy programs. His interests include culture, economics, education, domestic and foreign policy, and military issues. He can be reached at [email protected]