The Uyghur Community in China’s Xinjiang Are the Real Victims of Genocide

The Uyghur Community in China’s Xinjiang Are the Real Victims of Genocide
Uyghur men walk past the exit of an underpass after attending Eid al-Fitr prayers, marking the end of Ramadan, in Kashgar in China's northwest Xinjiang region, on June 5, 2019. (Greg Baker/AFP via Getty Images)
David Wanetick

The word “genocide” has been hurled around so much and so loosely in recent months that much of the public has built up an immunity to a term that should make the hair on the backs of our necks stand up.

The U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and “woke” warriors would have us believe that the Palestinians are victims of genocide. The International Middle East Media Center reported a spurious assertion by Ola Awad, chairperson of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, that the worldwide Palestinian population has doubled about 10 times since 1948.

Such misinformation isn’t only a travesty of justice against those accused of committing genocide but also results in a dramatic misappropriation of resources. Some 26 million refugees are looked after by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, while the 5.9 million Palestinian refugees have their own agency, the UNRWA. Moreover, this 5.9 million number is an exaggeration tucked inside a fabrication. UNRWA defines a Palestinian refugee as any descendent of a 1948 Palestinian refugee, even if that ethnic Palestinian has never been within a thousand miles of the West Bank or Gaza.

The reckless use of the term “genocide” is also cloaking the most profound genocide that is currently taking place anywhere in the world. That is the systematic annihilation of the Uyghurs, the Turkic Muslim people residing in China’s Xinjiang region.

So why do I claim that Uyghurs are targeted for genocide at the hands of the Chinese regime?
Uyghur women from 18 years of age to those far past child-bearing age are subjected to forced sterilization and IUD placement. According to my discussions with Muetter Iliqud, a human rights lawyer and researcher at the Uyghur Transitional Justice Database, not even women in their mid-50s who vowed never to become pregnant have been spared from being sterilized. As a result, Uyghur birth rates have plunged by 80 percent to 90 percent in some rural areas of Xinjiang.
Since 2016, 900,000 Uyghur children have been separated from their parents and sent to orphanages where they are raised as Han Chinese, according to Abdulkaim Idris, executive director of the Center for Uyghur Studies. Their immersion in Mandarin is so thorough that they forget their mother tongue; those children fortunate enough to reunite with their parents can no longer communicate with them in their native language.

Forced marriages are another means to de-Uyghurize Xinjiang.

As many as 3 million Uyghurs, or 25 percent of the Uyghur population, are condemned to time in so-called reeducation camps. In these detention facilities, women are routinely gang raped and men are savagely beaten. Tours in the “reeducation centers” are usually for 60 days but easily last for a year for those who fail to demonstrate “good behavior.” Laboratories to facilitate involuntary organ transfer are located nearby. A further 13,000 Uyghurs have disappeared or been compelled into forced labor, whereby conditions are even worse. The release rate from these slave labor camps is only 4 percent.

The remaining 75 percent of the Uyghurs live in what can best be described as open-air prisons, where they are vulnerable to arrest for any reason at any time. Their every move is captured on surveillance cameras outside and inside their homes.

As if this wasn’t enough, Mr. Idris notes that 1.1 million Han Chinese have been sent to live with Uyghurs in their homes. These uninvited male guests often appear when the Uyghur husbands have been banished. These Han minders are not prohibited from sleeping in the same beds as the Uyghur women. These informants report to police when their Uyghur hosts practice their religion by reading the Quran or abstaining from eating pork or drinking alcohol—all of which can trigger sentences in detention facilities.

I certainly hope that the plight of the Uyghurs is not a preview of what life will be like if globalists usurp more power. The top dogs in places such as the United Nations, the European Union, and the World Health Organization are scheming to micromanage humanity.

They seek to dictate the foods we eat, the distances we can travel, the kinds of home appliances we can use, and the vaccines we are required to inject into our bloodstreams. They wish to track every movement we make through tools such as vaccine passports. With central bank digital currencies, elitists will be able to prevent us from purchasing anything that meets their disapproval. Deviating from their script could result in the freezing or confiscation of our money.

Implementation of the draconian censorship policies the globalists are conniving could reduce our freedom of speech to a level approximating that of the Uyghurs.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
David Wanetick is the CEO of Davos in the Desert, an unapologetically and stridently anti-globalist movement.
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