5 Speaking Power Moves for Leaders

5 Speaking Power Moves for Leaders
Mark Sanborn

Like most things, the art of effective speaking has evolved and changed. Accepted practices that once worked well haven’t necessarily withstood the test of time.

While principle never change, the way we apply those principles can and do change. Here are five key techniques that are powerful and relevant today.

1. Be More Conversational and Less Formal

In the past, public speakers often adopted a more formal tone and delivery, which could come across as stiff or boring to younger audiences. Today, younger audiences tend to respond better to a more conversational tone and a relaxed, natural delivery.

2. Use Multimedia

In the past, public speakers often relied solely on their words to convey their message. Today, younger audiences are accustomed to a constant stream of multimedia content, and speakers need to incorporate images, videos, and other visuals into their presentations to keep their audience engaged.

3. Incorporate Interactive Elements

In the past, public speaking was often a one-way communication channel, with the speaker delivering their message and the audience listening passively. Today, younger audiences expect to be more actively engaged in the process, whether that means taking part in a Q&A session, participating in live polls, or being asked to share their own thoughts and experiences.

4. Be Authentic

In the past, public speakers were often seen as distant, authoritative figures who had all the answers. Today, younger audiences value authenticity and want to hear from speakers who are willing to share their personal experiences and vulnerabilities.

5. Support and Complement Your Message With Social Media

In the past, public speaking was largely limited to live events and broadcasts. Today, social media has transformed the way that public speakers connect with audiences, allowing them to build a following and engage with their audience on an ongoing basis.

These are five simple but effective power moves you can use to be a more effective communicator and leader. Pay attention to the nuances of change in your audiences, but also remember that the fundamentals of good public speaking, such as clear objectives, a compelling message, and effective delivery remain just as important as ever.

Republished from marksanborn.com
Mark holds the Certified Speaking Professional designation from the National Speakers Association (NSA) and is a member of the Speaker Hall of Fame. He was recently honored with the Cavett Award, the highest honor the NSA bestows on its members, in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the speaking profession. In 2020, Global Gurus named Mark the #5 Leadership Authority in the world. Visit his website at MarkSanborn.com.
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