Top 10 Reliable Dog DNA Tests for Finding out Your Dog’s Breed

May 01, 2024
May 01, 2024
Top 10 Reliable Dog DNA Tests for Finding out Your Dog’s Breed
Embark Breed Identification Kit (Illustration by The Epoch Times, Amazon)
Raise your hand if you’ve ever looked at your dog and thought, “I wonder what breed mix makes up this cutie?” 
As dedicated dog parents, we all want to know our pup’s ancestral roots. A solid DNA test can reveal the breed mix. It gives your furry friend those unique quirks and tendencies. But let’s be real, not every test is a pure-bred winner.
In this article, we'll introduce you the best dog DNA tests available. Get ready to be the responsible dog owner you were bred to be!
The Breakdown:

Why Do People Use Dog DNA Tests?

Dog owners try to figure out just what sort of breeds joined forces to create their beloved dogs. Not knowing their genetic backstory can really eat away at you.
That’s why these dog DNA tests are such a game-changer. They let us finally put an end to the guessing games and get actual scientific proof of our pup’s breed makeup. No more making assumptions based on their appearance or behavior quirks. The genetic analysts have the real answers!
For people who have adopted shelter or rescue dogs, having that breed breakdown is huge. It provides crucial insight into potential health risks, behavioral traits, and what to expect as your dog grows older. Knowledge is power when it comes to being a responsible, prepared dog parent.
But even if you’ve had your dog since puppyhood, uncovering their ancestral roots is satisfying. Dog DNA tests feed right into that curiosity in the most high-tech way possible.
At the end of the day, these tests just make the unique joy of pampering a mutt feel that much more special. We can revel in and fully appreciate the comprehensive mutt-ness. It makes our dogs one-of-a-kind companions.
For dog lovers everywhere, finally getting legitimate answers to the “what breed is he?” the question is kind of priceless.

Wisdom Panel Breed Discovery Dog DNA Kit 

Wisdom Panel Breed Discovery Dog DNA Kit  Wisdom Panel Breed Discovery Dog DNA Kit
Do you look at your beloved mutt and wonder? just what kind of breeds came together to create this goofy, lovable pooch? Well, get ready to satisfy your curiosity with the Wisdom Panel Breed Discovery Kit! This clever DNA test is like giving your dog’s family tree a mutt makeover.
Wisdom Panel unleashes the total breed breakdown, reporting all the way down to 1%. And we’re not talking vague diluted results either. This test boasts over 98% accuracy from its huge database of 350+ breeds.
Wisdom Panel also screens for the MDR1 gene. It gives you a heads-up on certain drug sensitivities. It can help you cater your pup’s care and lifestyle to their one-of-a-kind breed mix.
  • Accuracy: It has over 98% accuracy from a huge breed database of 350+ breeds. So, you can trust these results to truly unveil your mutt’s mixed roots down to the nitty gritty 1% details. No more guessing games!
  • MDR1 screening: It also checks for the MDR1 gene. This gives you an advanced warning about potential drug sensitivities. It is based on your pup’s unique breed mix.
  • Breed insights: It can go beyond just breed identification. The results provide insights into your dog’s traits, tendencies, and ideal diet/exercise needs. It is tailored to their breed makeup. Get ready to really understand your furry friend!
  • Simple process: Swabbing is easy peasy. Their online systems make it straightforward to activate the kit. You can receive your results in just a few weeks.
  • Depth limitations: It illuminates on breed mix. The test can’t achieve the deepest level of your pup’s exact genetic lineage and relationships between matches.
 $84.99 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

Embark Breed & Health Kit 

Embark Breed & Health Kit  Embark Breed & Health Kit
Embark collaborates with Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine on this dog DNA test. They offer pet owners a comprehensive and accurate analysis. This test provides insights into their dog’s lineage and potential health concerns.
Embark utilizes a high-quality genotyping platform analyzing over 230,000 genetic markers. That means it is the most precise tool for breed identification on the market. It can detect and screen over 250 genetic health conditions. Embark empowers you to take proactive measures.
Embark’s innovative technology uncovers your dog’s genealogical roots. It is thanks to The World’s First Canine Relative Finder, a patented feature. It allows owners to connect with their pup’s extended family.
Plus, Embark provides excellent service and speedy results ensuring a seamless experience. The company has dedicated veterinarians and geneticists who are ready to address any questions or concerns.
  • Health insights: This DNA test can identify over 250 genetic health issues. It can help you and your vet create a custom care plan for your furry friend.
  • Breed breakdown: Embark’s test examines over 20,000 genetic markers. It gives you the most accurate breed breakdown available. No more guessing if your mutt is part poodle or part Siberian husky!
  • Find dog relatives: It can help you locate and connect with your dog’s relatives based on their shared DNA.
  • Fast results and great service: You'll get your pup’s results within 2-4 weeks. And Embark keeps you updated along the way. Plus, you can chat with their vets and geneticists if you have any questions.
  • Pricey: Some dog owners think the test is a bit too expensive for what you get.
 $159.00 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

Orivet Genopet Dog DNA Test

Orivet Genopet Dog DNA Test Orivet Genopet Dog DNA Test
 The Orivet breed identification DNA test for dogs is a great genetic testing kit. It provides pet owners with valuable insights about their dogs. This cutting-edge test screens for over 350 breeds, types, and varieties of canines. It reveals the precise breed percentages that make up your dog.
With a simple and easy-to-use collection process, you can obtain your dog’s DNA sample. Then send it to Orivet’s lab. Their team of experts will analyze it and provide you with detailed results within 2-3 weeks.
In addition, the Orivet DNA test offers a range of valuable features. It includes a personalized life plan, a wellness plan tailored to your dog’s unique breed, age, weight, gender, location, and lifestyle. This plan provides nutritional suggestions and routine health care advice. It also includes alerts for important milestones like vaccinations.
The test can predict your puppy’s information based on their genetic makeup. Including weight, personality, behavior, and potential health risks.
It stands out for its comprehensive approach to pet care. It comes with a user-friendly process, trusted results, and valuable information. This test empowers pet owners to make informed decisions about their dog’s health.
  • Comprehensive breed identification: It screens for over 350 breeds, providing accurate breed percentages. Accurate breed information is valuable for responsible pet ownership.
  • Personalized life plan: It provides a proactive approach to pet care. It can tailor wellness plans based on your dog’s breed, age, weight, gender, location, and lifestyle.
  • Weight prediction: It provides an estimate of your puppy’s adult weight. So, it allows you for better planning and management.
  • Easy and convenient: It has a simple DNA collection process. It also provides swabs and pre-paid envelopes.
  • Turnaround time: Results can take 2-3 weeks to become available after sample submission. It requires patience and planning ahead for those interested in the test.
  • Cost: It may not be financially accessible for all pet owners, especially those on a tight budget.
 $94.94 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

TellmeGen Koko DNA Test for Dogs

TellmeGen Koko DNA Test for Dogs TellmeGen Koko DNA Test for Dogs
Ever wondered exactly what breed mix makes up your furry best friend? This revolutionary 2-in-1 TellmeGen Koko dog DNA test kit has you covered. With just a simple cheek swab, it analyzes over 710,000 genetic markers. It will uncover your pup’s breed ancestry down to the percentages. The results will be ready in a period of 4-6 weeks.
Beyond breed, this test also reveals fascinating insights into your dog’s genetic traits. What’s behind their quirky behaviors, physical appearances, and even the potential health concerns? You'll receive an in-depth report detailing dozens of traits.
Plus, it can identify any genetic relatives found in their database. It lets you discover your pet’s family tree across the globe.
The test updates are totally free. As they continually expand the database and add new features. You can also easily upgrade to get over 130 reports on how your dog’s genetics may influence their health risks and traits. You do not need to worry about your privacy.
  • Accuracy: The test is able to identify breed makeup and traits accurately.
  • Comprehensive reports: Providing combined insight from a single test is incredibly valuable. With over 710,000 genetic markers analyzed, it provides a comprehensive look. You'll get breed percentages, physical traits, and relative matching.
  • Free updates: The company is committed to continually improving and adding new features. However, the updated test analysis is at no extra cost. You'll always have access to the latest enhancements as the product evolves.
  • Confusing process: Some customers felt the process of collecting and mailing the DNA sample was a bit confusing. Clearer instructions could streamline this part of the experience.
  • Report quality: Many found the reports insightful. While others thought they could use more detail or visuals.
  • Value: A few customers questioned whether the cost was entirely justified. Especially if just looking for breed analysis alone versus the full trait package.
 $84.99 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

Ancestry DNA Know Your Pet DNA

Ancestry DNA Know Your Pet DNA Ancestry DNA Know Your Pet DNA
This Ancestry dog DNA test can actually help you! You easily swab the inside of your pup’s cheek to get a saliva sample. Then mail it to the experts to receive the analysis. Within a few weeks, you get a detailed report online with all the results.
It doesn’t just tell you the breeds. It breaks it down completely. The test analyzes your dog’s DNA for over 30 different characteristics. It is related to their appearance, behavior, and those quirky little things.
The best part though is that Ancestry has this gigantic database of dog DNA profiles. They analyze your pup’s DNA. So they can actually try to locate their long-lost genetic relatives! It’s like uncovering this whole canine family tree you never knew about.
  • Convenience: Getting the sample is a total breeze. Just a quick cheek swab and you’re done - way easier than trying to wrestle a slobbery dog into the vet’s office.
  • Insight: You will find out your pup’s exact breed mix. Also, you'll get insights into their personality traits, quirks, and potential relatives.
  • Connection: It can help you to find your dog’s long-lost canine cousins or extended family.
  • Understanding: It provides you with your dog’s breed makeup and genetic traits. It can really help you to optimize your dog’s well-being. You can tailor their care, activities, and nutrition based on their specific needs.
  • Cost: It is not the most affordable DNA test kit to know your dog.
  • Accuracy debates: You may find some rumblings online about inaccurate or questionable results.
 $99.00 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

Wisdom Panel Premium Dog DNA Kit

Wisdom Panel Premium Dog DNA Kit Wisdom Panel Premium Dog DNA Kit
Wisdom Panel is the ultimate DNA test for getting to know your furry best friend inside and out. It does way more than just tell you what breeds make up your mutt. Although it nails that down to the percentage with incredible accuracy.
This test is like a genetic crystal ball, screening for over 265 different health conditions that could affect your pup down the road. It looks at markers for diseases like MDR1, and medication sensitivity. And even whether your dog is prone to overeating or developing urinary stones.
You can get ahead of potential health issues and work with your vet on the best preventative care.
But the Wisdom Panel doesn’t just peek into the future. It gives you a full genetic rundown on your dog today. You'll learn about the gene variants that give your pup their signature looks. From their snout shape and ear style down to the cute pattern of spots or Merle swirls.
It even clues you in on why your dog’s nose is constantly dry or wet. Plus, you can connect with other pups who share DNA and see if you’re long-lost litter-mates!
With over 4 million dogs tested worldwide, this test is the mutt’s nut when it comes to dog DNA. The testing process is literally a walk in the park too - just swab the inside of your pup’s cheeks and mail it off. In a few weeks, you'll have a novel’s worth of mind-blowing insights about your one-of-a-kind pup.
  • Accuracy: This test is crazy precise when it comes to nailing down your mutt’s breed mix. It can also go down to a single percentage point.
  • MDR1 gene mutation: It alarms you of the certain common medications your dog is sensitive to.
  • HUU gene test: Some dogs may be in danger of forming kidney or bladder stones. Test if your dog is at risk for Hyperuricosuria (HUU).
  • HNPK gene test: It can help you know why your dog’s nose is always dry. His genetic makeup could be the cause.
  • POMC gene test for overeating: It tells you why your dog is always hungry.
  • Health screening: Being able to check for so many potential genetic health risks is huge. It allows you to get ahead of issues and work with your vet to keep your pup healthy and happy.
  • Trait insights: Learning about the gene variants behind your dog’s cute quirks. Like their tongue spots or snoring habits are just downright neat. It really helps you appreciate what makes them so unique.
  • Relative finder: Connecting with others who have dogs that share DNA with yours is cool.
  • Cost: It’s a luxury product for sure so it can be unreasonable for many dog owners.
 $159.00 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

DNA My Dog Premium Test

DNA My Dog Premium Test DNA My Dog Premium Test
The DNA My Dog Premium dog test is an all-in-one solution. It can unravel the mysteries of your pup’s DNA. It provides you with their breed composition, genetic age, and even potential health concerns.
One of the standout features of this test is its ability to determine your dog’s genetic age. It is different from their chronological age. The test can analyze the length of their telomeres. So it provides insights into your pet’s predicted longevity at a cellular level.
The process itself is incredibly user-friendly. The kit has a soft, sterile cheek swab. Without any discomfort or distress for you and your dog, you can collect its DNA sample. Swab the inside of their cheek, and send the sample to the laboratory. You will get the results within two weeks.
The comprehensive report reveals your dog’s breed composition and genetic age. Also, it provides tips and information on all the breeds detected. It can help you understand the unique characteristics of your furry friend.
  • Comprehensive breed identification: It has over 350 breeds in its database. You'll finally get the scoop on what makes your furry friend so unique.
  • Genetic age determination: This test can give you a sneak peek into your dog’s genetic age. It helps you understand their predicted longevity better. It’s like a doggy horoscope for their golden years!
  • Health concerns: It provides information about potential breed-related health issues of your dog. So, you can take care of your dog’s health efficiently.
  • Ancestry insights: This test will let you know if they have any wolf or coyote ancestors.
  • User-friendly process: There is no need to stress your dog with complicated procedures. The cheek swab is as gentle as a puppy kiss, and the whole process is like a breeze. Plus, you'll get the results in 2 weeks from receipt of your dog’s DNA test sample.
  • Cost: This test isn’t exactly cheap, however, it’s an investment.
  • Limited genetic information: it won’t give you a full genetic workup on your pup. It’s like getting the cliff notes version of their genetic makeup.
  • Potential inaccuracies: There’s always a chance for a hiccup. Especially if your dog is a true mutt with a complex family tree.
  • Privacy concerns: Sharing your dog’s genetic info with strangers might make some pet parents uneasy.
 $129.95 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

Koko DNA Test for Dogs Advanced 

Koko DNA Test for Dogs Advanced  Koko DNA Test for Dogs Advanced
This dog DNA test is pretty awesome! With just a quick swab of your puppy’s mouth, you get a crazy amount of info about their genetic makeup. It analyzes over 710,000 different markers. It tells you about their breed mix, physical traits, and even potential health issues.
It combines three different tests into one convenient kit. No more hunting around for separate breeds, traits, and health tests!
Using the kit is a total breeze. They send you everything you need to collect the saliva sample, and you just pop it back in the mail. Then in 4-6 weeks, your dog’s results are ready to explore online with videos and visuals. The test keeps getting updated with new features and data for free! While there is no annoying extra fee.
One of the biggest selling points is how secure and legit this DNA test is. It follows all those strict European privacy rules. So your dog’s genetic info is encrypted and protected. You can trust that the results are 100% reliable too.
  • 3-in-1 kit: Breed, traits, and health all in one test! Why settle for just breed info when you can get the full genetic scoop?
  • Easy to use: Literally just swab and send it off. Then you can geek out over the results with their super user-friendly online platform.
  • Free updates for life: Other tests hit you with recurring fees for new data, but not this one. Those updates are 100% free!
  • Private and protected: Koko’s genetic test meets all the conditions of European regulations. It is reliable and the data is encrypted to ensure complete privacy.
  • Turnaround time: The results take 4-6 weeks to be ready. It requires some serious patience.
 $129.99 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

Embark Breed Identification Kit 

Embark Breed Identification Kit  Embark Breed Identification Kit
The Embark dog DNA test is seriously cool! It’s like a genetic detective for your pup. It can uncover their breed mix-up and even help you find long-lost doggy relatives. With a million messages exchanged, Embark has brought many extended fur families together.
Embark is doing good for dogs everywhere. They partner with top vets and researchers to study genetic doggy diseases. Plus, a portion of the profits goes towards their “Old Dogs, New Homes” program. That helps senior shelter pups find their forever families.
One of the best things about Embark is how in-depth the results are. You get a full family tree, with breeds identified even for those mixed mutt ancestors.
  • Comprehensive breed analysis: Breed detection is super accurate. Even for complex mixes way back in the family tree. It really satisfies that curiosity about what went into making your unique mutt.
  • Relative finder: The relative finder feature is crazy cool! Getting connected to extended dog families across the world is a great experience.
  • Welfare initiatives: The company supports dog health and welfare. They fund genetic research and senior dog adoption programs. So, you can feel good about supporting their mission.
  • Family tree and similar dog profiles: Owners can explore their dog’s family tree. So they can connect with owners of dogs with similar breed mixes.
  • Cost: The test is on the pricier side compared to some competitors.
  • Accuracy: There have been a few reports where the analysis just seemed way off.
 $109.00 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

Orivet Dog DNA Test  

Orivet Dog DNA Test   Orivet Dog DNA Test
The Orivet dog DNA test provides you with over 350 different breeds, varieties, and types of dogs. Your pup’s genetic codes and any potential health issues will be revealed.
The process couldn’t be easier. Orivet sends you some special swabs to quickly get a cheek sample from your dog. Just let those swabs dry out and pop them back in the mail. In a couple of weeks, you'll get an online report. It spells out the percentages of all the breeds in your mutt, as well as a customized health and wellness plan.
This Lifeplan gives you personalized advice on diet, exercise, grooming, and more. They are all based on your dog’s unique make-up.
The Orivet has been trusted by vets and breeders for over 10 years when it comes to dog DNA testing. They definitely are experts in canine genetics! Plus, you can sync your pup’s results to an online profile and easily share them with the vet, family, and friends.
  • Breed identification depth: This test screens for way more breeds than most - over 350! It breaks down breed percentages to the variety level. So you really know what unique mixes made your mutt.
  • Genetic health screening: The Orivet looks at over 150 genetic mutations. It lets you know if your pup is at risk for any inherited health issues based on their breed makeup. Get ahead of potential problems.
  • Customized life plan: It provides customized nutrition, grooming, and training tips. It is based on your dog’s breed and needs.
  • Trusted by pros: Vets and breeders have trusted Orivet’s dog DNA tests for over a decade. You’re getting the same quality analysis the experts use.
  • Premium price tag: This test costs more than those basic ones. It is due to its advanced breed identification and genetic screening.
 $156.60 on Amazon (Price at Time of Publishing)

Best Dog DNA Test Reviews

These product reviews are compiled from verified customer reviews on Amazon.

Wisdom Panel Breed Discovery Dog DNA Kit

Pet parents seemed pretty impressed with the Wisdom Panel DNA test for getting the full scoop on their dog’s mixed-breed background. A lot of folks were pleasantly surprised by the depth of the results.
It showed breed breakdowns all the way down to a single percentage point. For owners of rescues or uncertain pedigrees, having that genetic confirmation was exciting.
The reviews were a bit of a mixed bag when it came to trusting the accuracy. Some raved about how perfectly the breed mix aligns with their dog’s looks and traits.
But others claimed there’s no way the results are right. Because their 50-pound pup somehow has chihuahua in the mix. Lots may not understand that geometric combo platers like their mutt don’t always reflect genetics in appearance.
Most customers felt the cost was worth it for the novelty factor and insights alone. Plus, they got a kick out of potentially discovering doggy relatives out there! As long as you go in with realistic expectations about DNA complexities. It seems most owners were wagging their tails over these results.

Embark Breed & Health Kit 

Customers seemed thoroughly impressed with Embark’s DNA testing process and results. Many raved about how simple and straightforward the swabbing and mailing process was. They also appreciated getting regular email updates on the status of the sample.
Multiple reviewers noted that Embark nailed the physical descriptions and breed mixes. The detailed breed percentages and background made a lot of sense for rescues with unknown origins.
Customers felt the health screenings were invaluable too. It flags potential genetic issues to be mindful of.
Customers praised Embark’s ease of use, comprehensive information, and entertainment value. It unveils the mysteries of their pup’s breed to gain invaluable health insights. Dog owners have lauded Embark’s ability to provide detailed and eye-opening analyses.
There were a couple of areas some felt could use improvement. A few mentioned the weight estimates being way off base compared to their pup’s actual weight. And the “relative finder” aspect seemed a bit confusing.
However, opinions on value remain mixed. It reflects the diverse needs and expectations of pet owners. Still, Embark stands as a pioneering and trustworthy choice in the realm of dog DNA testing.

Orivet Genopet Dog DNA Test

Many customers found the Orivet DNA test to be informative and helpful. It can provide valuable insights into their dog’s breed makeup. They appreciated the comprehensive breakdown of their pet’s genetic heritage. Including specific breed percentages and the ability to trace the breeds of the parents.
The easy and convenient sample collection process was also praised. It has simple instructions and the inclusion of pre-paid envelopes for shipping. Customers found weight predictions, health risk analysis, and a personalized life plan beneficial.
Many expressed frustration with the long turnaround time for receiving their results. Some reported wait times of up to 5-6 weeks or longer. Some questioned the accuracy of the results, citing inconsistencies with other DNA tests.
They had conducted discrepancies with their dog’s physical characteristics. There were also concerns about the value for money.

TellmeGen Koko DNA Test for Dogs

Customers seemed quite satisfied with the accuracy and insights of the Koko dog DNA test. Many were surprised by how well the breed breakdown and physical trait analysis were.
Being able to discover relatives and genetic links to other dogs around the world was appreciated. The reports were generally praised as comprehensive and valuable. However, some folks felt they could use a bit more detail or visual flair.
On the flip side, a few recurring complaints emerge related to the user experience. The sample collection process was considered fiddly or unclear by some. It was the same around returning shipping instructions.
But the biggest pain point appeared to be the 6-8 week turnaround time for results. A few reported having issues with samples getting lost and needing to be re-submitted.
When it comes to value, opinions are mixed. Some found the pricing reasonable given the wealth of breed and trait info provided. However, some questioned if the cost was fully justified. Customer service also got mixed reviews. It was praised by some as excellent, while others recounted frustrating experiences. They recommend it for its accurate, comprehensive insights into dogs’ ancestry and traits.

Ancestry DNA Know Your Pet DNA

First off, a lot of folks really appreciated how easy the whole process of the Ancestry dog DNA kit is. Just a quick cheek swab on your pup, pop it in the mail, and results come through within 2-3 weeks. The kit instructions are clear too, so no head-scratching is required.
When it comes to the actual accuracy of the breed breakdown and trait analysis opinions get a bit mixed. A few mentioned being shocked or disagreeing with the breeds detected in their dog’s DNA. Others found the trait predictions kind of vague or obvious for any dog.
But then you have those who felt it pinpointed their pup’s genetics and quirks well. It seems it could go either way on the accuracy front.
A lot of people still enjoyed the experience overall. For the curious dog parents who view it as a fun novelty, it was worth purchasing. For those expecting hard scientific facts, maybe not.

Wisdom Panel Premium Dog DNA Kit

Customers seemed pretty impressed with the wealth of information the Wisdom Panel dog DNA test provides. Many raved about how accurate and detailed the breed breakdown is. The insights into traits, genetic health markers, and potential relatives were bonus fascinating.
There were some mixed feelings about whether the high price tag was really worth it. The comprehensiveness was appreciated. Some questioned whether similar results could be obtained through more affordable DNA tests.
There was also the novelty factor. When they fully explored and absorbed genetic info about their pup, the test’s value was kind of tapped unless they wanted to sample another dog. A few were disappointed the report wasn’t provided in printed form.

DNA My Dog Premium Test

Some pet parents were over the moon with the whole experience of using the DNA My Dog Premium test. They raved about how easy the process was and how quickly they got their results. However, some were not sure if the test was even worth the money.
A lot of the disappointed customers seemed to have one major gripe. The breed results just didn’t add up. Or the test listed breeds that didn’t match their pup’s appearance or personality.
The wolf ancestry part also had some owners raising their eyebrows. Because the test said their dog had wolf DNA when they were sure that wasn’t the case, or vice versa. Even with all the mixed reviews, it’s clear that a lot of pet parents were satisfied.

Koko DNA Test for Dogs Advanced

People seemed pretty impressed with Koko’s dog DNA kit! The process is very simple! Just swab your pup’s cheeks, pop it in the prepaid envelope, and wait for results. Customers raved about how easy the instructions were to follow.
And waiting 4-6 weeks for results didn’t seem like that big of a deal when you get such an in-depth report. And how this test keeps getting free updates was praised.
People appreciated the comprehensive breed, trait, and health analysis. They also loved the user-friendly experience and informative results.
However, some didn’t understand the registration process or had issues with the kit’s language options.

Embark Breed Identification Kit

Customers raved about the fun and surprise factor of the Embark dog DNA test! A common theme is that the breed results defied their expectations in the best way possible. Dog owners get a kick out of researching the breed traits.
People really appreciated how comprehensive and accurate the Embark test was. They loved the detailed breakdowns, family tree mapping, and the ability to connect with close genetic relatives. The sampling process was also straightforward.
The customer service got high marks as well. Embark provides step-by-step updates throughout the testing process. If any issues arise, like delayed samples, they’re quick to make it right with replacements.
While not cheap, most felt it was a worthwhile investment. For rescue pup parents unlocking those genetic secrets creates an extra sweet bond.

Orivet Dog DNA Test 

Many customers had disappointing experiences with Orivet’s dog DNA test kit. A major issue seemed to be extremely long wait times and a lack of communication from the company.
Others got notifications that their samples failed or got lost. It made them to re-submit. The refund process also appears to be a hassle.
Another big complaint? The testing process itself is confusing and riddled with errors. Bad instructions, broken website functionality, and lack of customer support made frustrating experience.
Some finally received results. They were incomplete or lacked the level of breed breakdown detail they expected.
On the upside, the few positive reviews noted that the testing process worked as intended. The breed results and custom life plan provided helpful insights.
Most customers felt the errors, delays, lack of communication, and irregular quality control issues. They believed it was not worth the hassle and expense.

Facts About Dog DNA Tests

The dog DNA testing business has been a pretty hot commodity over the last decade. What started as a novelty back in the early 2000s has turned into a multi-million dollar industry. It is catering to the intense curiosities of dog owners everywhere.
Today’s dog DNA tests can trace a pup’s ancestry back through dozens of breeds. It uses sophisticated genotyping. But it wasn’t always such an accurate science.
Those first commercial tests hitting the market could really only detect a handful of the most common breeds reliably. It was better than nothing for inquisitive owners. However, they hardly provide the full genetic picture.
The genomic technology advanced, as well as breed databases and genetic markers. So, the companies could cross-reference. Now big names like Wisdom Panel, Embark, and DNA My Dog can detect the most obscure breed varieties.
And we’re not just talking about ethnic backgrounds anymore. Many also screen for genetic health conditions and personality/behavior trait markers.
Dog DNA tests have been seriously growing. Estimates show the overall industry was valued at around USD 235 million in 2022 and is expected to raise USD 723 million, by 2030. 
Despite all the success, there’s still room for improvement. Dog DNA detectives are constantly working to increase the accuracy. And refine the breed composition percentages.

Is All Dog DNA The Same?

Dogs may seem alike, but their DNA is actually pretty different depending on the breed. It’s wild how much variety there is!
Retrievers, bulldogs, poodles - they all look and act so differently, right? That’s because breeders have been mixing up the genes for years. So they got unique traits and personalities for each breed. A pug’s DNA is way different from a Great Dane’s.
But even puppies from the same litter aren’t identical twins or anything. When their genes get shuffled up during reproduction, it can create small variations. So two pups with the same parents might end up with slightly different coat colors or body types.
And those tiny DNA differences are a big deal! And those tiny DNA differences are a big deal! They contribute to the quirks that make each pup one-of-a-kind, beyond just the breed standards. Their genes influence everything from how energetic they are to their potential health risks down the road.
So, dogs share mostly the same genetic blueprint. While they still have distinct DNA that makes them unique.

Are Dog DNA Tests 100% Accurate?

Look, are they gonna give you every single detail of your pup’s ancestry down to the percentage point? Probably not. These tests work by analyzing certain genetic markers. And comparing them to different breed profiles. If your dog is a full-on mutt with DNA from all over the place, it gets mad tricky to pinpoint every single breed in the mix.
But here’s where they can actually be pretty clutch. If you adopted a rescue dog and have zero clue about their roots, a DNA test can give you solid information. That low-key explains a lot about their looks and their personality quirks. Maybe even some potential health issues down the road. Plus, finding out your dog has like 13% Poodle ancestry is just fun trivia.
At the end of the day though, who really cares if that DNA test is 100% accurate or not? Your dog is their own goofy, one-of-a-kind weirdo, and that’s what you love about them. But getting a peek into where those floppy ears or that snorting sound originated?

How Do You Take a Dog’s DNA?

The easiest way is to simply swab the inside of your dog’s cheek to collect some cells. Sounds gross, but it’s totally painless and just takes a few seconds. Most of those DNA test kits come with a couple of little brushes that look like overgrown Q-tips.
You just give your pup’s cheek a quick scrape, making sure to get that saliva and cheek cell combo going on there.
Another option is using something your dog licks or chews on regularly. Like a favorite toy or their food bowl. Anything with their saliva has trace amounts of dead skin cells containing DNA.
The test company can extract it from there. Just make sure you send it off before giving it another lick otherwise you'll mess up the sample. No one wants their dog’s drool all over the mail carrier.
Some vets can also do a safe blood sample for you if you really want to go the extra mile. But unless your dog is heading to the doggy Olympics or you plan on cloning them, the cheek swab is really all you need. It’s quick and easy, and you get all the fun breed information without any headache or hassle for your pup.

Can Dog DNA Tests Tell Age?

Dog DNA tests can give you information about your dog’s genetic makeup. They reveal a lot of interesting insights. Including breeds, mixed heritage, or certain health conditions.
While determining age is still something that needs to be done the old-fashioned way. Vets rely on physical examinations, checking a dog’s teeth for wear, and other methods.
Their age is just a number anyway. What really matters is making the most of those precious years you get to spend as buddies.
A DNA test can tell you a whole lot about your pup. However, when it comes to how old they are, you have to go with your best estimate and vet’s advice.

Does a Dog DNA Test Tell Breed?

You bet a dog DNA test can tell you about your puppy’s breed makeup! It’s actually one of the main things those nifty little tests are designed for.
It can be really tough to figure out what breeds are in the mix just by looking at them. That’s where a dog DNA test comes in clutch. By analyzing your dog’s genetic code, the test can detect the distinctive breed signatures. It can give you a breakdown of your furry friend’s ancestral roots.
The thing is, though, dog breeds can combine in some pretty surprising ways. A DNA test can help confirm or clarify those hunches. And maybe even reveal some unexpected breeds you'd never have guessed. It’s like getting a peek into their doggy family tree!

How Fast Is a Dog DNA Test?

You want to discover the mystery of what exactly makes up your dog. You want to know how quickly you can go from swabbing your dog’s cheeks to having his breed breakdown.
These tests are designed to be pretty convenient. However, that doesn’t mean you'll have answers instantly. Even though you’re the one doing the sampling, those DNA samples still have to get shipped off to a lab for analysis.
Most canine DNA companies quote around 2-3 weeks. It is the typical turnaround time once they receive your dog’s sample.
At least with the at-home option, you avoid that initial trip to the vet or groomer for the cheek swab. Just follow the instructions, pop that sample in the mail, and get ready to do some breed revealing.

Can a Dog DNA Test Be Wrong?

That genetic testing technology is awesome. While there’s always a chance the results could be a little off the mark.
Dog DNA is super complex. All kinds of breeds get mixed together over generations upon generations. The testing companies have massive databases of breed profiles.
There’s still room for some uncertainty or misidentification. Especially when it comes to the nitty-gritty breed percentages.
The best dog DNA tests out there are usually pretty darn accurate. At least when it comes to detecting the major breed groups and varieties in your mutt’s makeup. But you may want to take those specific breed percentage breakdowns with a grain of salt.
If the test says your dog is 25% poodle and 20% retriever, those numbers could be slightly off. Due to how intricate doggy genetics can be. The overall puzzle pieces may be there, just perhaps not in those exact proportions.

How Long Is Dog DNA Good For?

Your dog’s DNA isn’t going to spontaneously change from one year to the next. Whatever breeds showed up in those results. That’s literally baked into their genetic code for life. Those DNA test findings will always be valid and accurate for your specific furry friend.
However, the testing companies are constantly updating their databases and breed profiles. As they analyze more and more doggy DNA samples over time. That means if you re-tested your pup a few years down the road, you might see some slight variations.
But we’re talking small, minor tweaks—not a complete overhaul of their genetic background. So no need to panic if the re-test shows like 2% less poodle and 2% more retriever or something. The core makeup is locked in forever!


You can ditch those “ruff” estimates with a dog DNA test. It'll help you detect the breeds that make your pup one-of-a-kind. What’s more, it is great for understanding their unusual quirks. It can even help you plan for their future health and deepen your bond.
If you’re looking for a quality yet affordable option, here is our suggestion! The Wisdom Panel’s Breed Discovery kit seems to be the top budget-friendly choice. Reviewers loved how in-depth and shockingly accurate the breed breakdowns were. It has a decent value to satisfy your curiosity.
Now for those pet parents who want the best of the best regardless of cost! Embark’s Breed & Health kit is worth an investment. You get the most comprehensive breed analysis available. It is thanks to that partnership with Cornell University.
Over 250 genetic health screenings help you get ahead of potential issues. The bonus relative finder is an absolute treat too! For the discerning dog owner, Embark pulls out all the stops.


Why does my dog’s DNA result show 14 different breed percentages? Is my dog really that mixed?
Yes, dog genetics can get seriously convoluted!
How far back does a dog DNA test go? Does it just tell the most recent breed mix or their entire deep ancestry?
Most tests analyze several generations’ worth of breed varieties. However, the percentages get more generalized the further back you go.
Does the DNA test look at anything besides breed makeup?
Many dog DNA tests also screen for genetic predispositions to certain conditions. And even personality/behavioral traits.
Do I have to go to the vet or groomer to get a dog DNA sample?
No, many of the popular tests these days provide easy at-home collection kits. You'll just need to follow the instructions for swabbing. And mailing off the sample yourself.
Is doing a dog DNA test on my puppy different from an adult dog? Do I need to wait until they’re full-grown?
No, the testing process works the same no matter your pup’s current age or size. Their breed makeup is detectable from birth.
How do I actually go about getting one of these dog DNA test kits? Do I have to order it online or can I pick it up somewhere?
There are a bunch of options. You can buy the popular ones online, find them at many pet stores, or even pick some up from vets/groomers that sell them.
What sort of sample do they need for testing? Is it like a standard blood draw or do they need something else from your dog?
No blood is required! The DNA sample just comes from a simple cheek swab, allowing you to collect it yourself at home super easily.
Do these dog DNA tests work the same way for mixed breeds as they do for purebreds? Can it detect true purebred status?
They absolutely can confirm purebred dogs and identify the specific breed. However, the real value is unraveling those wonderfully complex mutt mixes!
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