Teresa Zhang
Teresa Zhang is a reporter based in Hong Kong. She has written on health topics for The Epoch Times Hong Kong since 2017, mainly focusing on Traditional Chinese Medicine. She also reports on current affairs related Hong Kong and China. Contact her at [email protected]


COVID-Induced Brain Fog Linked to Evident Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption–Study

COVID-Induced Brain Fog Linked to Evident Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption–Study

Fasting May Help Improve High Blood Sugar-Induced Blood Vessel Damage

Fasting May Help Improve High Blood Sugar-Induced Blood Vessel Damage

Miraculous Recovery—How One Man Defied a Two-Month Cancer Prognosis

Miraculous Recovery—How One Man Defied a Two-Month Cancer Prognosis

Exploring the Cognitive Benefits of Uncaria Rhynchophylla in Dementia Treatment

Exploring the Cognitive Benefits of Uncaria Rhynchophylla in Dementia Treatment

A 70-Year-Old Woman’s Journey in Overcoming Late-Stage Rectal Cancer

A 70-Year-Old Woman’s Journey in Overcoming Late-Stage Rectal Cancer

Addressing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: The Potential of Korean Herbal Medicine in Cleansing the Lung

Addressing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: The Potential of Korean Herbal Medicine in Cleansing the Lung

Acupressure, Herbs, and 5 Foods to Improve Brain Health for Seniors

Acupressure, Herbs, and 5 Foods to Improve Brain Health for Seniors