Mike Fredenburg
Mike Fredenburg
Mike Fredenburg writes on military technology and defense matters with an emphasis on defense reform. He holds a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and master's degree in production operations management.


Are Boeing’s Failures Linked to Embracing Diversity Benefit Myths?

Are Boeing’s Failures Linked to Embracing Diversity Benefit Myths?

Can $60.84 Billion Aid Package Shift Ukraine’s War Trajectory?

Can $60.84 Billion Aid Package Shift Ukraine’s War Trajectory?

Are COVID-19 Mandates Partly Responsible for Boeing Safety Issues?

Are COVID-19 Mandates Partly Responsible for Boeing Safety Issues?

Battleship USS New Jersey Repairs Help Preserve Option to Reactivate It!

Battleship USS New Jersey Repairs Help Preserve Option to Reactivate It!

V-22 Osprey Is a Poor Helicopter Substitute That Costs Too Much in Lives and Money

V-22 Osprey Is a Poor Helicopter Substitute That Costs Too Much in Lives and Money

Destruction of American-Made M1 Abrams Tanks Is a Sign of Ukrainian Desperation

Destruction of American-Made M1 Abrams Tanks Is a Sign of Ukrainian Desperation