Florida School Teacher Under Investigation for ‘Inappropriate’ Trump Question on Class Quiz

A Florida middle school teacher is under investigation after giving their class a quiz which included a controversial question about President Donald Trump.
Florida School Teacher Under Investigation for ‘Inappropriate’ Trump Question on Class Quiz
(Illustration - Shutterstock)
Isabel van Brugen

A Florida middle school teacher is under investigation after giving their class a quiz which included a controversial question about President Donald Trump.

An upset parent filed a complaint to Watson B. Duncan Middle School in Palm Beach Gardens about the school quiz after his child told them about the offending question.

The teacher asked the students in a Computer Applications class to answer the following multiple-choice question: “45th Pres; 2017; Republican; Real Estate businessman; Idiot.”

The options for which the students could choose to answer from included: Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump, and Gerald Ford.

One of the teacher’s students then went home and told their father about it, reported the Boca Raton Tribune.

In response to the incident, the school’s principal, Philip D’Amico, sent a letter of apology to the students’ parents in which he described the question as “inappropriate.”

The quiz question “demonstrated an unacceptable lack of good judgment on the part of the teacher,” D’Amico wrote.

“Because this is an open inquiry, I am not at liberty to share any additional details with you at this point. I apologize for this incident, and for the offensive verbiage used in the question. Thank you for your patience, and your continued support of Watson B. Duncan Middle School,” the letter concluded.

A frustrated father, whose daughter was in the classroom at the time, told ABC News the question was “very unacceptable.”

“My daughter was doing her homework at the dinner table and she said to me, ‘Daddy, you gotta see this question,’” he told the news outlet. ”It’s an obvious example of indoctrination at our school system where teachers are forcing their opinions on our children. This is the first time I actually saw it in writing. It’s quite a different thing than when I hear it verbally.”

According to Fox 8, the quiz appears to have been published on Quizlet, an online learning platform where students can gain access to tools such as flashcards, games, and quizzes.

Another multiple-choice question in the quiz read: “35th Pres; Democrat; 1961-1963; Irish/Catholic; Established Peace Corpe; Cuba Missile crisis averted; S. Vietnam plot to overthrow gov’t failed; Supported Civil Rights Movement; Promoted space race.”

Possible answers included: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Harry S. Truman, or Bill Clinton.

While another question was as follows: “32nd Pres; Democrat; 1933-1945; died in 4th term; Polio victim; Created ‘New Deal’ and Public Works Projects; Fireside chats; led America into WWII; Ex Order 1066; First Pres. on TV; Died of brain hemorrhage; Wife Eleanor great stateswoman; He had mistres (sic).”

Students could choose from the following answers: John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Harry S. Truman, or Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

In his letter addressed to the parents, D’Amico announced that an investigation was being conducted into the matter, adding that the teacher had since been reassigned temporarily.

Isabel van Brugen is an award-winning journalist. She holds a master's in newspaper journalism from City, University of London.
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