2 Planes Intercepted for Entering No-fly Zone Over Trump’s NJ Golf Club

2 Planes Intercepted for Entering No-fly Zone Over Trump’s NJ Golf Club
President Donald Trump walks to Marine One while departing from the White House on July 20, 2018 in Washington. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
Venus Upadhayaya

Two planes were intercepted for entering a temporary no-fly zone over President Donald Trump’s golf club in New Jersey while he was there on Friday, Aug. 2.

Two F-16 fighters were deployed on two different occasions by North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) to intercept two single-engine civilian aircraft on Friday night, reported News 12 New Jersey.
The air-violation happened near the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J while the President was vacationing there, according to Fox News.

The NORAD officials said the pilots of the two civilian airplanes stopped communicating with air traffic controllers when they entered the temporary no-fly zone at 7:30 p.m. and 8 p.m.

According to News12 New Jersey, the pilots “established positive communications with air traffic control and departed the restricted airspace,” after NORAD responded to them.

The air violations were resolved.

A similar incident happened during Trump’s last visit to the golf course when a small aircraft entered the no-fly zone, reported the Washington Examiner.
In the last case of air-violation over the golf course, the pilot was forced to land at a nearby local airport.

Trump’s Visit to Bedminster

The Federal Aviation Administration released details about President Trump’s Friday’s visit to Bedminster, New Jersey.
It is Trump’s third visit to his golf course this summer, reported the Patch. He took a helicopter to his golf course from Morristown airport at 5 p.m. on Friday and is slated to return to White House Sunday evening.

Adhering to VIP protocol, the authorities released flight restrictions and road closures in the Bedminster and Morristown from Friday 5 p.m. through Sunday at 5:45 p.m.

Trump will return to the golf club again for his annual 10-day vacation on Aug. 8, according to Fox News.

Since being elected President, Trump has spent 77 days at his golf club in Bedminster, reported the Patch.

President’s Last Visit to the Golf Course

The President last visited the golf course for a political fundraiser for his candidacy for the 2020 presidential election on July 19 to July 21.

He made headlines for surprising newlywed couple Nicole Perosi and PJ Mongelli when he stopped by their wedding, which took place on the golf club, to greet them on July 20.

“USA, USA, USA,” and “Trump, Trump, Trump,” were chanted when the president showed up on the wedding night.

The wedding had the “Make America Great Again” theme, TMZ reported on July 21.
Videos posted on TMZ as well as social media showed Trump making an appearance at the event. Perosi appears to say “you’re the best” to Trump in the TMZ video.

They had sent several invites to Trump after getting engaged at the New Jersey golf club in 2017.

“Staten Island is the greatest,” Trump said when Mongelli told him that hundreds of guests from the New York City borough would be attending. “I love it. I’ll see if I can stop by.”

The president made another appearance later in the wedding while the crowd chanted “USA.” TMZ described the wedding as a “MAGA”-themed event, and Fox noted the venue was adorned with flags and pro-Trump banners.

Jack Phillips contributed to this report.
Venus Upadhayaya reports on India, China, and the Global South. Her traditional area of expertise is in Indian and South Asian geopolitics. Community media, sustainable development, and leadership remain her other areas of interest.
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